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Zima woke up the morning from hearing Shea bang on the door of the room she shared with Aki. 

"Zima remember you and Hino got academy today," Shea shouted from outside the room.

Zima lifted herself off the futon, rubbing her eyes. She remembered that today was suppose to be the day Hino and her attend a new school to train them as chunin level ninjas. She was going to miss team 4 and Mamoru but she was at a new stage. 

Zima sat up, with the bed sheets close to her chest. Aki was still asleep with his right arm wrapped around waist, and his chest and face laying peacefully on the pillow. Zima tried to get up without disturbing him, but that plan failed because he slowly opened his eyes, and woke up too. 

Zima smiled at him, "I have a brand new chapter of academy today, well me and Hino."

Aki got up and stretched but was careful to not move the bed sheets below his waist. "Well I wish you and Hino luck."

Shea banged on the door again, "Can't be late Zima!" She yelled. 

"Patience, Shea!" Aki yelled back. "She's coming." 

Zima laughed as Aki passed her a robe to put on. She could hear Shea banging on the room of Hino and Kaito's to wake him up for academy. Aki put on his robe to bathe with her in the bathing room before they could go down for breakfast. 

After bathing Zima noticed she had gotten a new uniform when she exited the bath. A black ninja outfit, loose short black pants, a black long sleeve shirt, and and a green vest. This outfit wasn't as stylish as the genin ninja outfit and Zima wondered why. 

"New ninja level, stricter polices," Aki told her from behind when he noticed she was confused. 

"They couldn't at least made it appealing, this is so boring," Zima said picking up the green vest. 

"You'll look amazing in it either way," he said wrapping his arms around her from behind.

Zima gave the outfit and try. It was more serious looking, and when she went in the hallway, she saw Hino waiting for her with the same outfit. 

"I feel like I'm going on some military mission," Hino whined pulling his collar. 

"Oh please, dont be a baby," Shea rolled her eyes, and Zima and Hino followed her down the hall so they could eat breakfast. Kaito was still asleep in his room, and Aki was still getting ready but Zima wished him a quick goodbye. 

At the breakfast table Zima noticed her mom and Shin were there already, and it looked like they had already eaten since their breakfast bowls were empty. Zima sat next to her giving her a comforting smile. 

"How early did you wake up?" Zima asked her, she gave a quick good morning to Shin. 

"A little bit over an hour ago," Femi told her. 

Shin gave Zima a quick bow and asked where Aki was.

"Upstairs he's almost done getting ready," Zima said through a mouthful of breakfast. 

Shin left, leaving Zima, Hino, and Shea to finish breakfast.

"Can I talk to you in private?" Femi asked hastly, when she noticed Zima was almost done eating. 

"...Sure,"  Zima said unsure, she quickly gobbled down the last remains of her plate, and walked with her outside to the front of the palace where only ninja guards where standing. 

"Whats up?" Zima asked, her mom standing in front of her. 

"I was just wondering if maybe you could change my room...being not so close to you and Aki," Femi was trying her best to not make this awkward. 

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