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It was night when Femi was hanging by herself in the garden again. She was just about ready to go back inside to sleep when Shin came in. Shin needed time to finally get his mind of things. It seemed whenever he was with Femi all the stress of helping Aki and the village of grace was left behind. That it was only them two against the world. 

"Tired?" He asked her walking in from behind her.

"A little," Femi said fidgeting with hands on her lap.

Shin sat down next to her, "Umi had fixed your bed for the night so it's ready to go."

Femi smiled up at Shin, "Well, I wouldn't mind if you joined me tonight. Just sleeping though." Femi winked with a laugh.

Shin smiled, "Off course, just sleep."

Shin helped her off the bench and grabbed her hand gently, "Femi..." He said quietly.

"Hm?" She asked.

"The stars," He said pointing up.

Sure, enough the stars were even extra bright that night and sparkled.

"Femi, I know you want to take things slow, but may I kiss you tonight?" Shin asked. Femi smiled, and said under her breath, "of course."

Shin gently lifted Femi's chin and brought her lips to his. It was soft and quick moment.

Shin glowed inside, after he parted away from Femi.

"It's been a long time since I've had a kiss," Femi said blushing and looking down at her feet.

"Same with me," Shin said taking Femi's hand and following her to her bedroom.

Femi was already in her pajama's. Shin went to change in the oppsoite room, and then came back. As they got ready in bed, Shin laid next to her closely and held his arm around her waist throughout the night.

. . .

The morning after Aki was annoyed. He was annoyed at the fact that Kaito made such a big decision to take on a battle without his permission. But he had no choice Kaito sealed the deal and today would face off in battle with whatever man Hidetada had taken for him to face.

"Are you sure about this," Aki asked Kaito who was wearing his sword battle gear.

"Nope," Kaito responded, putting on flat black shoes. "But I don't really have much of a choice, do I?"

"You could have waited for me to make a decision on this," Aki said. Kaito stood up straight and examined his outfit. He took his slender and shiny katana, and proceeded to go to the dojo where he would face off with whom ever Hidetada had chosen him to battle.

"Sorry but Hidetada was pissing me off so much, I couldn't just let him get the easy way out," Kaito said with Aki walking behind him. "Love the new cut by the way, stylish, and your hair was getting ridiculously long."

Aki sided eyed him and rolled his eyes. His hair was wrapped in a bun, but Kaito saw earlier how it was cut.

Aki then took Katio's arm and stopped him. "Are you sure about this?" He asked with his eyes wide.

Kaito smiled with a big grin, "I have no other choice."

Together they made it to the dojo. Hidetada was sitting the corner of the room. Next to him was the legendary Shito Gyo. His former student and one of his most successful student. A student that has surpassed the master himself.

"Shit," Aki muttered to himself. Off course Hidetada was going to pick his most dangerous and smartest student. The blood thirty, almost seven foot tall, black beady eyed, Shito Gyo. His bald head gleamed in the room. A former Chinese orphan that Hidetada found himself and raised him to be his own personal monster that kills whenever he needs to.

"Please don't tell me this is a battle of the death. The winner is whoever is still alive," Aki whispered at Kaito in a worried expression.

"Unfortunately, it is," Kaito said not backing down.

Hidetada smirked when he saw Kaito and Hino came in. In between the man was a watcher to watch over the battle and later declare the winner once someone was found dead.

"Did you get out a good cry, Lord Aki," Hidetada teased pouting his lips. "Or have you come back for more."

Aki ignored him and just glared. He moved to the side of the room where he could watch the battle comfortably. Shin came in the room afterword and stood next to him.

"You shouldn't worry, Lord Aki," Shin said.

Aki stared at the center of the room where the match watcher was getting both Shito and Kiato.

"I hope I don't have too," Aki said. Suddenly the room fell into silence. Shito and Katio bowed to each other and pulled out their katana's that were equally around the same size, and so it began.

Kaito and Shito were circling each other at first. Moving steadily, their katana's close to their chest.

Shito seemed to have a lot of confidence in taking down Kaito, and Kaito could see he was being underestimated.

Shito suddenly made a giant leap at Kaito, swing his sword. Kaito was quick to jump out of the way in time. They began circling around each other even more, dancing around for a good ten more minutes.

"COME ON SHITO," yelled Hidetada. "Since when did I raise you to be such a pussy, look how big you are compared to him. Squash him already."

Shito nodded and stopped messing around. He charged at Kaito again but this time when Shito came running to him, and ducked and slide in-between Shito's legs, giving him a good kick in the groin area before standing up behind him and giving a good swift kick to his back.

Shito groaned in pain from being kicked in the balls. Now he was furious and angry. "Your're definitely going to die for that," he muttered charging after Kaito again. But Shito wasn't thinking smart, he couldn't see that Kaito was using his big size body as an advantage to hide since he was smaller than him and hit when necessary.

Kaito did the same move again when Shito charged after him but this time sliced the inner part of Shito's leg.

"SHITO WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!" Hidetada yelled in frustration. "TEAR HIM APART!"

Shito ignored his wound, and screamed he turned around and finally grabbed Katio by the neck.

Kaito chocked, but still with his katana was able to lift it and stab Shito in the abdomen. Shito quickly let go of Kaito, sending him to the floor. Kaito was gasping for air.

Shito was starting to bleed massively, and no in the room offered to help. It was a fight to the death.

"Master..." Shito said looking at Hidetada, but before he could do anything he collapsed to the ground.

Hidetada screamed in panic and ran for Shito's katana to kill Kaito himself. But he wasn't fast enough, and two mystery ninjas pinned him to the ground in time.

The watcher ran to Shito's lifeless body to check his pulse. He put two fingers to Shito's neck and examined it.

"SHITO GET THE FUCK UP!" Hidetada yelled in despair, while two mystery ninjas held him down.

The watcher stood up slowly he cleared his voice, "I hereby announce the winner of this duel the swordsman, Kaito."

The only thing after that sentence that anybody could hear was Hidetada's cursing in anger.

. . . 

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