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Tonight, was special for Femi. Shin wanted to celebrate Femi's victory in employment, so he invited her to see a play at a local theater. She was dressed in a fancy African garment that trailed slightly on the floor, with a gorgeous and detailed red pattern, and let her dreadlocks fall past her shoulders. The weather was starting to be much colder now, so Femi had to wear a slightly heavy coat over. She was waiting near the carriage for Shin before they could leave.

"Well, don't you look like royalty," Shin said approaching the carriage. Femi flushed, and thanked Shin, who was wearing a grey Kimono, with dragon imprints on the collar, and black trousers underneath.

Shin opened the door for Femi to go inside, and they went off. When they got to the theater, many others elegantly dressed were there as well. Shin linked arms with Femi, and they walked entering the theater building. Inside the theater was rows of red velvet seats, and gold stalls, and decorations. Looking up Femi saw even higher areas of seating and balconies.

"Come," Shin mentioned to her taking her hand. "People that the emperor's is close with get special seating privileges."

Femi walked with Shin, and he took her to a box seating area. There they had seating to themselves and a great view of the stage. Shin allowed her to take a seat first.

"Wow this is nice," Femi said smiling and looking over at the stage.

"Enjoy it, you deserve to relax for a bit," Shin said as he sat down next too her. Soon the theater started to pile away with more people until it was completely full. The lights in the theater dimmed down, and the play started to begin.

It was an interesting play. It was Kabuki styled, with music, drama, and dance. Femi loved the wild costumes and the intense choreography. There were sword fighting scenes, and love moments. When it was intermission, Shin brought her snacks, and they watched the rest of the play for another hour. Once the curtains drew back and the actors, and actresses got their round of applause, everyone started to leave.

"That was truly wonderful," Femi said excited.

"Well I'm glad you liked it," Shin replied. "Shall we go eat?"

Femi nodded and Shin started to walk with her over to a restaurant not too far. When they got there, it was almost near empty, and Shin ordered them a quick meal of sushi. Shin mostly doing the talking, talked about the play.

"Did the sword fighting scare you?" Shin asked. "You know they use real swords; Lord Aki might ban the use of real swords on stage though."

"Why is that?" Femi asked as she took a bite from her sushi.

"An actor got killed not too long ago, from doing a performance and accidently getting stabbed."

"Whoa.." Femi said in shock.

"Yes. Well lets at least cheers to you." Shin said trying to lighten the mood. "To the village of grace, best baker."

Femi laughed, and clanked her glass with him. After dinner they noticed their carriage still wasn't back to take them home, and they had to wait in the cold. Ten minutes later it started to snow lightly.

"Whoa," Femi said surprised. She held her hand out, touching the cold but fluffy substance.

"I forgot you don't ever see snow because of where you grew up," Shin busted.

Femi giggled watching the white surroundings around her.

Shin cleared his throat. He needed to tell her. He could not keep going on like this. "Um Lady Femi..."

Femi turned around giving Shin her attention.

"I think it's time that I admit something to you, while we wait here," Shin shifted but held eye contact with Femi standing close to her.

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