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Zima woke up for a cold splash of water to her face and her arms tied behind her back. She was laying on a cold concrete floor and looked at the surroundings around her. Looking around her first thought was where Ren, Shea, Kaito and Hino were. She was alone in this room where the only light source was a candle on the table.

Suddenly Zima heard the door open. In came in a girl with short curly hair, and light brown skin. Her eyes where a golden green, and she looked down at Zima. She was wearing boots, and a one-piece green fighting outfit.

"Well finally your up," She said, her voice echoed in the chamber.

Zima sat up as the girl approached her. The girl grinned at her and crouched down at Zima's level facing her. "All these years and we finally got you."

"What the hell do you want?" Zima spat. "Where did you take my family that I came with?"

"Family?" She chuckled, "You consider them family, but not me, your half-sister."

Zima looked at her in confusion. "What are you talking about?"

"Your mother didn't tell you Cruella was sharing her husband with her?" The girl said cocking her head.

"She did..." Zima said. Then Zima looked at her in shock, this was who her father had other children with. The twin sisters that her mother had brough up. One that was good, one that was bad. And right now, this couldn't be the good one since she was being tied up.

The girl could see she realized who she was now, and grinned.

Zima shook her head. "What do you want? Why have you spent your entire life terrorizing me and my mother? What will it take for you to leave me alone?"

The girls grin disappeared, "You can rest easy when your dead. Huh you don't know do you?"

"Know what?"

"Cruella may look beautiful on the outside, but my mother is over 900 years old. It is a certain spell that keeps her young and alive for so long." The girl got up and backed up from Zima. "Your family lineage is what could cause her death in the next 100 years if it's not completely eliminated."

Zima looked at her in shock and fear.

"Cruella is the last leader of the last witch clan in Europe region. Your little precious Ren used to be part of her clan before you came in the picture in Aki's life." The girl took a seat at the wooden table in the middle of the room.

"A few hundred years ago Cruella had the biggest empire of witches, and she wanted to expand it. One of the places was your village in Kenya, especially since African voodoo is so powerful, it was opportunity she could not miss." The girl crossed her arms. "But your village was different during that time. They did not want a random European coming in and telling up to give up their voodoo, spells, and weapons to serve her empire, and get nothing back in return. So, the chief, a man that shared the same family blood of our father banished her away."

Zima knew she was talking about. Chief Kiko, the infamous strict Chief that did not plan around. One of her father's ancestors.

"So, my mother wasn't happy about that and tried to forcefully destroy your village. That did not work either. Like I said African voodoo very powerful, and that bastard of a chief ordered the women of your village to put a curse on her."

This was when her half- sister gave her a deadly stare, "The reason Cruella was able to live so long was because of a spell she created before she became a witch. This spell could guarantee her immortally as long she could use any other humans' body that she killed as a vessel, specifically the human heart. Each human heart from a body she killed gave her an extra hundred years. She had nine hearts so far to live for 900 years. But your village chief changed the spell, now if can't be any human. It would have to be someone in his family linage throughout the years."

Zima felt her blood boil. She felt stick to her stomach.

"She took out father as a vessel already. But might as well wipe out your family linage while we are at it. Your family history is the reason of the decline of Cruella's empire. That is why she will never give up on eliminating you."

"That why's my mother seduced our father, to get her claws on you, and your mother. Now we are finally here. Once we wipe your family linage, we can break the spell that bastard priest had put on her."

Zima couldn't believe the insanity coming out of this girl's mouth. "So, you have harassed us for years because of something that happened over a 100 years ago, that has nothing to do with me and my mother. Sorry to break it too you but we didn't cast that spell on Cruella. The chief did."

The girl glared at Zima. "The fact that is happened 100 years doesn't change the fact that the only way to get rid of the spell is kill every one in your family lineage."

"Are your forgetting your my half-sister? You have my father blood as well." Zima inputted.

"I don't count because since Cruella is my mother, and I wasn't born in the African region. I don't share the same family linage as you when it comes to the spell your chief had done that day."

The girl stepped towards Zima, getting up her seat, and grabbed Zima's hair. "You mean nothing to me. Your life means nothing to me, if all it does it to eliminate you and your mother for me to one day share the same power Cruella has, then I will do what is necessary. No matter how much blood we share."

"We had to spend years chasing you when that stupid father of ours sold you away all the way in Japan, that saved you time but now the fun and games is over, remember my name before you die. Elger."

Zima struggled with Elger pulling on her braids so hard. She couldn't find any other way to get herself out of this whole situation, but now at least she knew she whole truth.

. . .

In a sperate room across from Zima. Shea, Kaito, Ren, and Hino were being held. All tied up and beaten up badly from the brawl earlier.

Shea had a black eye covering the left side of her face and she was slumped up against the wall. Cruella let out a giggle as she was standing over them near the front door of the room. "Its pathetic actually, for you to hold that much importance towards one person."

Kaito glared at her, "you will pay for this!" He shouted. Hino was laying his head on his lap, he had fallen asleep, tired from exhaustion. 

Cruella grinned at him. "Onibi told me all about you, he wasn't lying about your strength."

Kaito eyes widened, "How do you know about Onibi?"

"Who do you think I had to team up with locate Zima to begin with?" Cruella said slicky. She closed the door and left the four of them locked in the room.

. . .

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