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As much as Femi was starting to love her new home and was getting comfortable, she was also starting to get bored. Weeks go by an everyone around her is busy and has a job. Zima and Hino have school, Shea and Kaito work as loyal guards, and Shin and Aki are busy with task with tasks to take care of the village.

Spending all her time in the garden was relaxing for her but she needed to find a better way to keep herself busy.

This afternoon she was in her study alone. Aki was supposed to give her another reading lesson, but unfortunately it gotten canceled.

"I'm sorry Lady Femi, but something has come up with work that I need to attend too. I'll make it up to you," He told her while Shea was waiting for him in the hallway.

"It's alright you're the emperor of course, with heavy duties," Femi reassured him.

Femi sighed and looked out the window in her study. Should she just spend the rest of this mindless day in the garden. Her reading lesson was the only thing that was planned.

Suddenly she heard a door a knock on the door.

"Come in," Femi said with caution.

Shin walked in and bowed his head, "I heard a certain woman was free this afternoon."

Femi looked at the floor, she was wondering if she should tell Shin about her desire to maybe find a job. Maybe he could help her with such.

"I can sense that you are beginning to get bored," Shin said as if he was reading her mind. "Which is understandable any other normal person would."

"So, you have noticed," Femi said sheepishly. Kaito words about Shin were still floating in the back of her head. "I wanted to ask your help for something."

Shin sat down crossed legged in front of her, "With?"

"I wanted to find maybe a job, something not too difficult to keep me a little busier," Femi scratched her arm.

Shin tilted his head in thought, "Let's head down to the market to see what I can find you or maybe you will see something that you like."

Shin stood up and held out his hand out for her to take. Femi took it and stood up. Shin allowed her to exit the room first and they went out to use one of the carriages to travel to the Master's Market. When they arrived, it was as busy as usual. Femi noticed there was a lot of different jobs available. There was a standard job listing poster on a board, Shin read it out loud to her.

"They are looking for cooks, grillers, sewers, clothing makers, salesmen's or women," He stopped winked at Femi. "Also, artists, painters, crafters, winemaker, and there are many more things listed here from different stand owners."

Femi wasn't sure what she should go for. "I don't now which one I'm up for."

"Well, what's something your good at?" Shin asked her.

Femi shrugged. No one ever asked her that. She never had the chance to discover if she was good at something. "I honestly don't know."

"Come on," Shin nudged her. "There has to be something."

"I just mostly done housework my entire life," Femi said.

Shin put his hand on his chin, as he thought. There had to be something Femi would be perfect as for a job.

"What type of housework did you do a lot?" Shin asked her.

"Cooked and clean," Femi replied.

Shin didn't want to get her a cleaning job, she could end up having to work as servant in another person's house like Umi and would barely get to see her.

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