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Zima was the first one to be up and awake the next day. She ate breakfast quickly and did some training. Too much was on her mind and she needed a distraction. Looking at the porch she noticed a mystery ninjas was on duty staring ahead.

"Hey," Zima said calling him.

He noticed her immediately and went over to her bowing first, and then saying "Yes, Lady Zima?"

"I'm going to the academy you mind telling that to Aki and the other when they wake up." Zima told him.

The ninja blinked, "My Lady, Lord Aki says their must always be a guard with you wherever you go, why don't I come with you and when we come back tell them where you've been."

Zima rolled her eyes, "I will be fine, I just heading to the academy and its super early. If you get in trouble I'll tell Aki I refused to let you come with me. Alright."


Zima interrupted him by raising her hand, "I'll be on my way now," and started to walk her way away from the palace grounds.

The ninja shook his head watching her walk off, 'great I'm going to get a earful of this from Lord Aki, such a strange woman.'

Zima walked until so spotted the academy that she and Hino graduated from. She looked around wondering if any instructors were around.

It was morning, some citizens were out and about and if they saw her they would greet and bow out of respect.

When Zima reached the academy the first person she greeted was Hapa.

Hapa bowed first out of respect the minute he saw her, "Lady Zima its been a while, how are you?"

"Fine," Zima said walking up to him. "I was wondering if you have seen Mamoru around."

Hapa nodded and showed her to where she could find him. He was in the backyard of the academy training. Sandy, JohnJohn, and Ryu were the first to notice her, rushing to her with excitement. She laughed seeing then run to her and give her hugs.

"Wow you guys are getting big," she told them. Zima realized they must be fourteen now.

"Wow your really a Chunin now that means your gonna be going to the ninja academy with the older people," said JohnJohn.

"Just wanted to stop and see how you guys were doing, and talk to Mamoru." Zima said glancing at him. He nodded back at her.

"That also means you go to the academy for seniors you get a new team, since you going to working to become jonin level," Sandy added it.

"Also any time soon since I'm getting older, and Aki becomes troubling I'll be right here in open arms," Ryu said wiggling his eyebrows. Sandy smacked him on the head, "She's way out of your league."

Zima ignored him and went to talk to Mamoru.

"I'm gonna be leaving soon," Zima first told him.

"Where too?" He asked her with an eyebrow up.

"Kenya, where I was born. Some things happen there and I need to see my mom and figure stuff out." She told him.

"You sure this a good idea?" Mamoru asked.

Zima nodded, "I need to get to the bottom of this."

"The big man Aki is okay with this?"

"It took some persuading but I'm set off to leave soon, I just came to thank you. I never got a give you a big thanks to when you let us stay in your place during the time, two years ago when Aki was imprisoned. That was a big help for us."

Mamoru smiled, "No problem, you guys turned into family too me. You sure you won't need me on the trip to Kenya?"

"Nah I got Shea, Kaito, Hino and some guards coming with me. Ren, Aki, and Shin are staying here to keep everything orderly and on track." They started to walk too the front of the academy the kids running and playing in-front of them.

"If you need any back up contact me." Mamoru told her, "And look what the cat dragged in."

Zima looked at what Mamoru was referring to. It was a very angry Aki waiting outside of his carriage with his arms crossed, and guards standing in front and behind him.

Zima sighed. "Great," she muttered.

She walked up to him kissing his cheek to hopefully get him less mad. "I was just about to be on my way home." She told him.

Aki looked at her sternly, "I don't have a problem with you going places, go wherever you want but please at least take a guard with you."

Zima rolled her eyes, "Fine whatever."

"I'm serious Zima, danger could be anywhere and your still just chunin level." He patted her head and turned to Mamoru. "Next time at least yell at her for coming her with no guard or protection."

Mamoru shrugged.

"I'll be on my way home, nice talking to you Mamoru," Zima told her as she got into the carriage with Aki climbing in after her.

Mamoru waved back her goodbye, and the carriage started to take off.

"Is there anywhere you want to go before we head home?" Aki asked Zima.

Zima smiled at him and squeezed his hand. "No its fine, sorry about worrying you."

"Its fine, your very hard to stay mad at." Aki told her pitching her nose. She laughed as the carriage took them home.

. . .

A letter had arrived back and it was reply. Femi rushed to the mail to read. She smiled reading the reply back and tears rans down her face. Her daughter was really coming back to see her. After two years, how much has changed, how much has she grown, will she still be angry at her for not fighting back hard enough to not have her sold off.

Femi that night prayed for a good reunion when Zima arrives here.

. . . 

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