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"You idiots, I told you guys to move on my call but of course you don't listen," yelled Yaka the female pirate. 

The three pirates were in prison cells of the ship. They had spent the next 48 hours crouched up together in that cell. Yelling at each other and arguing. Yaka told Shea the truth about how they worked for Haunt since they were dead meat anyway. 

"Now we going to be looked up in prison forever in a country we don't even know," Yaka grumbled. 

The two other pirates glared at her. 

"Your going to blame us for your bad leadership?" Kimo said. 

Yaka looked at him in shock and defeat, "Bad leadership! If it wasn't for me we would still be stuck at our hometown jumping from orphanage  to orphanage in extreme poverty, you ungrateful bastard." 

"How about both of you shut up," said Shea as she entered the room. 

All three of the pirates glared at Shea as she entered the room. 

"We will be entering Kenyan territory in a few minutes, after we deal with our own personal business here. We sail back to Japan and Lord Aki will deal with the likes of you," Shea crouched down near them. "If you guys just give us the information we need we might just let you go off free."

Suddenly the pirates faces lifted up and them looked less stress.

Shea stood up straight, "IF!" She told them one last time and left the room. 

Shea approached at the dock Zima who was looking ahead in horror. That's when Shea noticed what she was freaking out bout. As the boat got closer to land the Sea water was red, and corpses were floating in the water. Human people, dead bodies were floating in the water. 

"What the hell happened here," Kaito said.

"This was worse than I thought," Zima said looking at what was suppose to be her hometown. When she left this place nobody was by her side, bu she didn't expect to comeback to this horror. They quickly parked the boat, Zima ran to get off the ship quickly. 

Looking around her surroundings she found a man bleeding by the shore. Zima ran to him quickly. 

"Do you have any idea what happened here?" Zima asked him crouching down. 

The middle aged man slowly lifted his head up. His abdomen was bleeding and his white clothing drenched in blood. 

"The witches attacked, the chief did nothing..." The man didn't say anything else before he fell back in slumber. 

Witches? What the hell was going on, was all Zima could question. Kaito, Hino, and Shea watched Zima scan the scene. 

"Jesus," was all that Hino could say to describe this. 

Zima walked back to the group, "The man that was barley alive there said witches did this." 

"Witches?" Shea repeated confused. 

Zima nodded, "Something weird is going on." 

With that Zima lead the group back to where the chief of her village was suppose to be. He had some explaining to do. 

The group walked for about 20 minutes. Thats when Zima started to notice places she grew up from. Passing by the park she used to play, the community laundry, and shopping areas. Finally she reached the chief home but was stopped by guards. 

"May we help you?" A guard said. He was holding a spear, and had another guard next to him both of them dressed in black and in sandals. 

Zima took a step back and cleared her through. "I'm here to see this chief," she told them. 

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