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Ren and Aki were sitting across from each other in the scholar room. Aki was writing, while the two of them sat in silence. 

"This doesn't have to be awkward,"k Aki said not glancing up from his work.

Ren shrugged, "Hard for it not to be awkward when you only have me sitting here watching you work."

Aki nodded, "Good point." He then let out a whistle and a mystery ninja appeared at the front door of the scholar room.

"Take Ren to work with the police department on the Haunt case at their offices today." Aki told him.

Ren looked at him shocked, "WHAT!" She disclaimed.

Aki still not looking up from writing on his paper continued, "Your smart, we need more people on the case to find him, and fast. Work with the detectives today and see what you guys can find. Your bored stuck with me here aren't you?" Aki told her.

Ren bit her lip and nodded. She got up and slowly walked with the ninja. Before she walked out the room, and she said thank you.

"You don't think that too high level of an assignment for her?" Shin appeared in the room when Ren left. 

Aki finished writing and pulled all his papers together, "No don't underestimate what she can do." 

Shin grinned, and bowed, "my apologies then." 

Aki raised an eyebrow at him, "They left safety Zima and the rest."

"Yep Zima said she will try to send you a letter to let you know that everything is fine." Shin told him, as he sat down across from Aki. 

Aki didn't reply back and looked out the window in the room. In the scholar room a great view of the garden of the palace showed. 

"You miss her deeply." Shin told him with sympathy on his face. 

Aki glared at him, his face turning red.

"This is your first time going without her for a longer period of time, you truly are love-sick." Shin said laughing playfully.

"Shut up," Aki glaring at him.

"You could tell me how you feel, you need someone to rant your feelings to young emperor you don't want to hold your emotions in so much that you feel yourself suffocating. You've been doing that for years and its not good on your mental health." Shin told her with deep concern. 

Aki breathed in and relaxed. Shin was right and he always saw Shin as therapist for him, someone he could tell his feelings to without any worry. When Zima came into his life she was the new therapist for Aki but with her gone it been much harder for Aki to express himself.

"I miss her so much to the extent that I'm even sleeping with her stuff because I like her smell and it makes me feel like she is there." Aki said bright red.

"There is nothing embarrassing about that."

"Don't lie to me."

"Don't be hard on yourself."

Aki rolled his eyes and continued, "Remember when I went on my honeymoon with her?"

Shin nodded.

"The feeling of true love hit me there. I was nervous about my first time being intimate with someone and she blew me away. The comfort of her safety, nothing I have ever experienced. I couldn't be anymore happy with her being able to help me bring my family back together. I had to let her go on this trip because it would be selfish of me to not help her back in return for everything she has done for me."

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