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When Zima woke up the next day everything felt like a daze and didn't feel real. She was really back in Kenya after years and saw her mom, chief, and ex-boyfriend all in one day. It's like the minute she landed back to her old home everything that she left undealt with came rushing back to her.

"Your up early," Shea said walking past Zima with two cups of tea. She placed one in front of Zima and then placed the other one in front of herself.

"I'm going to be doing some investigating today," Zima told her as she sipped her tea. "I need you stay here with Hino, and Kaito for the day."

"What! No way," Shea said with groan.

"I'm serious Shea," Zima looked at her seriously. "Me and my mom are going to pay a visit to this evil forest today, and it can only be me and her. I don't want to drag anyone with the mess that my father left over." Today she was going to be doing some investigating. She needed to get to the bottom of this so called "terrorist" or "witch attack." Her mother had more to tell her, and finally clear all the air with the dirty secrets that she has been keeping from her.

Shea rolled her eyes, "Fine if you insist so much. What's this evil forest place suppose to be anyway? It kind of sounds dangerous." Shea asked looking at her with uncertainty.

"It's a common area where witches and criminals live or hide, that why they call it evil," Zima gulped down her tea after it finally cooled down.

"You sure you don't need back up for this, Aki will kill me if come back to the village harmed." Shea raised her eyebrows.

"No, just me and my mom. Trust me on it." Zima said getting up. She went to the living room to go wake her mom up, but to her surprise she was already up. Her mom was finishing up breakfast when she noticed Zima coming in.

"Oh, good morning," Femi said with her face lit up.

"Morning," Zima said scratching her head.

"I'm going to make sure the carriage ride is ready to go, you get comfortable and ready I guess," Zima said and she left the hotel room leaving Shea and Femi in silence.

Kaito and Hino entered the kitchen yawning and just waking up from the last night sleep.

"Well what's for breakfast," Kaito asked looking around. "Oh, morning Zima's mother." He said greeting Femi. Femi smiled back shyly.

"Make your own breakfast idiots I'm not Umi, I already have to deal with you two for the whole day since Zima isn't taking me with her own her little trip." Shea said walking past them and going back to her room. 

Hino glared at her as she walked away, "Where is Zima going anyway? Aren't we going with her?"

"Nope!" Yelled Shea as she was walking away. "Its some top-secret stuff between her and her mom. Some evil forest place with witches and runaway criminals." Then Shea shut the door after she entered the bathing room.

Kaito gave Femi a confused expression, "What's she talking about?"

Femi shifted in her seat and put her teacup down, "Me and Zima just have some unfinished business between the two of us that we to look over. We will be back before you know it." Femi smiled softly, but Kaito wasn't buying it.

Suddenly the front door of their hotel door room swung open and Zima entered back in, "Mom come on get ready, the carriage is here." 

Kaito crossed his arms, "Where you headed off to?" He asked Zima, as she was standing in the doorway. Femi put together a little purse and walked to the door where Zima was at.

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