Part 3

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Fuyu Soji x Dabi

Retention- Ch.3

Fuyu sighed softly, seeing as her day off from work was going nowhere. The small grocery list in her hand reminded her of what she had originally set out to do, but now as the clouds looked about ready to pour, she was unsure if she wanted to try and carry her groceries bags home through what might be rain.

And so, despite her mind telling her that putting off the one thing she had to do today would be a bad idea, she decided to go to the mall and try out that new restaurant that had opened a while ago. It had been a while since she treated herself to a nice meal... and she did work some extra shifts this last month, thus could afford a meal out.

"I'll get the groceries tomorrow for sure." She smiled to herself as she entered the mall and looked around the shops that were beginning to start to put the Holiday items out.

Christmas decorations and various images of Santa Claus, reindeer, and gingerbread men made her get a tiny bit giddy towards the snowy season that would soon be upon them all. Even now she was wearing a much thicker coat than in previous weeks, the weather having had turned in recent weeks.

"I'm going to need to take out my winter gear soon..." She spoke, fiddling with the red cape that was on her today.

And while it wasn't the usual one she wore with her hero attire, the female certainly looked like an on-duty one with how it trailed behind her and made her look like she had a mission to do. When in reality, she had just spent half the day watching Fullmetal Alchemist again and was feeling like showing off her Edward Elric inspired cape.

Fuyu window shopped at a few shops as she neared closer and closer to the eatery, but soon enough, she started to notice a strange smell in the air around her. Not one of the tasty morsels from the food court, but rather one that seemed to make anyone think that a piece of food had been in the oven for a bit too long now.

And then, as her eyes saw a crowd of people suddenly running from a certain direction, all repeating the same word over and over in an attempt to get away, Fuyu could feel her heart stop. Of all days... why did it have to be the day she was off duty and only wanting to relax.


But then again... it's not like she could allow such a thing to happen. Everyone here was trying to have a nice day out as well. And she was a hero! Thus, with a quick phone call into her office to report the crime in-process and how there was a quickly growing fire inside the local mall, Fuyu was ready to go.

Her feet carrying to from one store to the next and trying her best to help those who were starting to let panic consume their hearts. The small children separated from their parents were quickly reunited, an elderly couple was helped away from the fire and towards the nearest exit and many more people had been aided.

Fuyu sighed, taking in a sharp breath but only to regret it. The fire around her was only getting more and more enormous. The flames of red and orange were now everywhere and anywhere, thus filling the entire place with smoke. Her eyes were starting to tingle from the smoke irritation, but the female continued on.

This was what she excelled at after all. Her quirk never allowed her to act as a hero that could stand up to the bad guys and fight them with all her heart. No, Fuyu was much more of someone who wanted to spend her life making sure others could continue living theirs. And so, that's what she did.

If someone was in trouble and needed her help, she had no issue doing so. She was never a fighter, much more of a helper. The only times she only brought up arms herself was when and if she felt it was absolutely necessary. Like times when it was own life on the line with a villain, or if the villain she's facing must be brought down for the greater good.

Retention (Dabi x OC - Commissioned OC Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now