Part 4

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Part 4

Dabi x Fuyu Soji

Several flickering flashes of light shined through her closed eyelids, making the female groan. Her unhappiness from being woken up by such an intense light was what was making her ignore it and continue sleeping.

But despite this, the Fuyu couldn't help but feel as if something was very wrong as her sense of touch started to slowly come back now. A feeling of pain was increasing in intensity from her head and her left arm. And to make matters worse, she could feel the sensation of something thick, sticky, and wet dripping down from her head and onto whatever she was laying on.

Her eyes scrunched together as the pain she was in finally reached its full force. Every part of her stung, but there were several areas that just seemed to be worse than others. Her head especially, since she was having trouble even opening her eyes currently.

But after a few moments of struggle, the female was finally able to do as such. And from the blue tinted light coming from in front of her, the girl could see that she was not the only person down here. In fact, as the memories started to return, she could recall how Dabi had fallen to this place with her.

The only difference is how she was the one who seemed to have taken in more damage then him, and now he was looking about with the small blue flame in his palm. Eyes of the same shade looked around, trying their best to make out the room they were in.

Above the two, nearly three or four stories up was a display of orange and red, showing that the fire in the time she had been knocked out had not been put out. The calls of voices muffled by the sounds of burning alerting Fuyu to know that her allies were still present.

"Are you going to sit there, or are you going to do something, hero?" Dabi's voice called to her, his tone low and quiet.

Her mind for a moment was thankful that he was speaking to her so quietly since her head was pounding. But another part of her was suspicious of him. The villain know to burn his enemies to ashes was actually trying to be civil with her at this moment.

Maybe it was because the pair of them were currently trapped under a burning building that might collapse further, or that by some miracle he took pity of her in her injured state and didn't want to add any more pain to her fragile self. Whatever Dabi's reason was, Fuyu could ponder on later... because her focus at this current moment needed to be finding a way out of this place before it became her grave site.

Slowly but surely, Fuyu was up on her feet, using a box next to her to support her wobbly legs. Eyes looking around she could see that the room they were in had at this moment remained untouched from the flames. The air was slowly starting to mix in with smoke from above, but she could at least see everything around her.

Stacks upon stacks of boxes were around her, many still wrapped in plastic and having a few sheets of paper taped onto them with various notes and numbers as well. Fuyu's mind clicked as to where they were and how lucky they were to have fallen down here.

"It looks like we fell into a storage type area." Fuyu spoke, thankfully able to make out enough her surroundings despite the blood that slowly trickled down her face. "And if we are... that means there's a back entrance somewhere that will take us outside."

"I figured that much." Dabi chuckled, shaking his head. "But, with how things are going on above, I was hoping you'd have a better plan then wandering somewhere that might close in on us."

"Afraid not..." Fuyu sighed, not feeling patient enough at this moment to deal with this villain's ego and self-absorbed nature. "I'm going to the exit though, and if you don't want to come with me, then that's fine by me."

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