Jackson Wang~ Got7 (Fluff)

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*I was actually gonna make this a smut but look at that cute little smile. Next chapter is gonna be a smut I promise*


You woke up to tight hands wrapped around your waist. You roll over as carefully as you can to not wake Jackson. You got comfortable again and just stared at his face. You swear every time you look at him you fall in love with him over and over again. You love seeing how the early golden sunshine exaggerates all the features on his face, from his eyebrows, to his lashes, to his lips, everything is just beautiful. He inhales deeply before fluttering his eyes open. He didn't say a word he just simply kissed your forehead before breathing deeply again and staring back at your face.

"What? What are you looking at boi?" You asked giggling. Putting your arm around his neck.

"Nothing just looking at your beautiful face." Jackson said smiling as he tapped on your nose. You scrunched your face at him making him laugh at you. "Hey don't make that face, you are beauti-" 

"ALRIGHT! BREAKFAST TIME!!!!" You interrupt him as you spring up from the bed heading toward the kitchen. 

As you look through the freezer you noticed that you have no more toaster waffles so you walk towards the cupboards and get out some flour, sugar, and a bunch of other ingredients and place then on the table.

"Hey babe, can you get the measuring cups, spoons, and the big bowl from the cupboard please?" You say looking at him with puppy eyes.

"Sure. Whatcha making anyway?" He asks grabbing everything and placing them on the table.

"I'm making homemade waffles." You say excited. He chuckles at you and shakes his head.

"Oh my gosh, you have a waffle addiction, the guys and I need to stage an intervention for you."


"Whaaaaa? I thought I was your one true love?" Jackson says fake crying.

"Fine then you're my second true love. WAFFLES FIRST!" You say chuckling. 

Jackson looks at you before turning his attention to the bag of flour on the table.

"Oh no uh-uh. I'm not cleaning that up. Why don't you help me instead of creating even more of a mess. You can redeem yourself and become my first love again. How does that sound?"

"Fine, as long as I can redeem myself." Jackson said glancing over at what you were doing.

You went through the recipe with him asking him to measure the flour, salt, and some other things. You whisk the ingredients together, and Jackson wrapped his arms around your waist as you mix.

"I know you wanna hug me, but just two more things please? The waffle iron and the cooking spray?" You ask tilting your head back planting butterfly kisses on his jawline.

"Hmm sure thing." He said kissing your head before grabbing the iron and spray. He placed the the iron on the counter and turned it on, and placed the spray on the table.

"Thanks babe." You say as you turn around to the counter bringing the bowl of batter with you. 

You wait for it to heat up a bit more before you spray the cooking spray onto the iron before pouring a small amount onto the iron and clamping it shut waiting for it to cook. Whilst you were waiting Jackson wrapped his arms around your waist again placing his head on your shoulder. 

"You're very clingy today." You say chuckling as you look at him.

"I know I just love you soooo much, and theres food so I want it."

"And you say I have an addiction, GOSH!" You say laughing as you tilt your head into his arm.

He snuggles you for a few minutes before the light on the waffle iron turns green telling you it's cooked. You grab a plate as Jackson opens the iron, and slides the waffle out onto the plate. You guys continue to fill the iron, and but the waffles on the plate. Once the plate I full of waffles you grab two other plates, and some silverware and sit at the table. Jackson goes to the pantry and grabs the syrup. You both sit at the table and eat your breakfast making jokes about anything and everything. Once you two finished he helped you clean the dishes and you two headed inside and plopped down on the couch. You guys simply snuggled and watched movies just about all day in your pajamas.

Hey guys I know this chapter sucks I've been trying to work on the ending but eventually I just couldn't so that where this chapter ends. Also like I said in the beginning the next chapters will be smut chapters so I hope you're excited for them. I hope you guys enjoyed, and I'll see you in the next chapter. Love ya bye <3

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