A/N (Where I've been, and changes to the book)

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So first of all to all the people who didn't read the last update I did, hi. To everyone that did see and read the last update, I know I know, I'm making another update. I just wanted to say that I'm slowly but surely making my way back to writing in this book. Firstly I want to talk about the changes to the book because I think you guys would rather read that instead (XD). To some it may seem small and to others it could be the reason they stop reading. I had mentioned in the last update (which has now been deleted) that unless requested by a reader I would write smut, well I'm deciding to stop writing it all together. Previously made chapters will stay up with no changes to them but I'm making the decision to stop writing them. I realized that when I would write those chapters it made me slightly uncomfortable to do so but I kinda just pushed the feeling away, but as I've been away from writing and focused more on myself I noticed that  it makes me pretty uncomfortable to write them so for me, I'm not going to anymore.

Okay, now that thats out of the way, where have I been for a year? Well clearly I took a break. I was dealing with a lot of personal, and mental issues last year so I took a break from writing. I've also just been contemplating if writing was something that I actually enjoyed (which it is). I wish I could say that theres gonna be more frequent updates but I still have some personal things to deal with so updates might not be very often. HOWEVER!!!! I am writing a few new chapters already to get back into the swing of things :)

WELP! Thats about it I hope you guys are excited for new chapters and I hope you'll enjoy them. See you guys later!! :D

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2020 ⏰

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