BamBam~ Got7

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~Fake Date~

You were walking through the grocery store when someones buggy collided with yours.

"Oh gosh I'm so sorry, I wasn't paying attention." You look up to see the face of your ex-boyfriend and you internally roll your eyes.

You see not only was your relationship with him a bad one but the breakup wasn't good either.

"Hey (Y/N) it's nice to see you. You look really good." He says as he smirks at you.

"Thanks." You say as your try to continue shopping.

"Hey, so are you busy this weekend?" He asks following you.

"Yeah, I am actually." You say hoping he'll leave you alone.

"Aww can't you cancel for me?"

"Um no, what makes you think I wanna see you?" You ask coldly.

"Firstly ouch, and secondly its not like you're going on a date, you're probably going out with a friend."

"Wrong I have a date my boyfriend and I go out every weekend, unlike you he enjoys being with me." You say pushing past him grabbing the last few items on your list before heading to the checkout.

You exit the store with your bags and head toward your car. As you place the bags in the trunk you hear someone tap on your car.

"WHAT?!" You ask clearly annoyed.

"Wow nippy aren't you? I was just wondering if I could meet this so-called boyfriend."

"And please explain why I would let you meet him."

"Well I don't actually believe that you've moved on from me that quickly."

"Well I did, and I'm not subjecting my boyfriend, to... you." You say fake shuddering.

"Ahh so then you're actually free this weekend, no boyfriend, or fri-"

"FINE, I'll let you meet him and when you see that he's a real person, LEAVE. ME. ALONE."

"Okay, Plaza 34 at 7 o'clock, I heard that place is really nice." He says smiling as he walks away.

You get into your car and throw your head against the steering wheel. You get home and unpack all the bags and start cooking dinner. You decided to have a friend get-together including your best friend and roommate, and Sam's co-workers GOT7, at your place so you have A LOT of cooking to do. You and your friend Sam start preparing the meat and side dishes. Half way through your cooking the pork your doorbell rings. You rush over to answer it and head back to the stove.

"Hey sorry we couldn't give you all a proper greeting, but we don't want the food to burn." You say chuckling.

"Nah all is good (Y/N) do either of you want any help?" Jackson asks.

"Nah, we're good, thanks though." Sam says placing the side dishes on the table.

You continued to cook the pork for a few more minutes before putting it one a place and placing it on the table. You sat down between Sam, and Jinyoung and passed around the food. You all talked about work, and just nonsense really not really talking about anything significant.

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