Seo Changbin~ Stray Kids (ANGST?)

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--Kidnapping, violence (guns)--

~Tell me that you love me~

      I was walking home late one night from work. I usually never worked the night shift but my boss practically begged me so I agreed. I walked down the empty, quiet streets but I had a strange feeling that someone was watching over me. I quickly turned my head around multiple times but never saw anyone, no people, no cars, just me and the cool around me. I quickened my pace trying to get home hopefully in one piece. 

     I turned down my street and saw my home in the distance, a slight calmness coming over me. I made my way to my home unlocking the door and stepping inside. I placed my jacket on the couch and made my way to the kitchen. I heard a creak on the floor before I felt a sharp pain to the back of my head before hitting the floor. I woke up sometime later with a horrible headache. I looked around the dimly lit room when I heard a door open. 

"Hello (Y/N)." I heard a man's voice say as I heard footsteps coming closer to me. 

"Who are you? Why am I here?" I panicked. 

"Wow, it's so sad that you've completely forgot me, we dated for so long and you've already forgotten all about me." I sat there for a moment before it hit me. 

"Changbin? What the hell?!" I questioned. "Why am I here?" He kneeled down in front of me on the floor. 

"Well remember how you told me that I'm the only one you love? If that was true, then why did you leave me?" He asked, the tone of his voice changing.

"I'm sorry Changbin its just some people fall out of love, we can't help that, right?" I said becoming more panicked. 

His face seemed to have twisted into something sinister. He smirked at me watching me quiver underneath him.

"Well my dearest (Y/N) I don't know how you can say people fall out of love because I surely haven't." He said as he stared into my soul with dark eyes. "You don't even appreciate all I've done for you. All my things I've sent you wound up in the garbage which is quite rude my dearest." He said sadly.

"Changbin please, I'm sorry. I never meant to upset you it's just I didn't feel like I was in love anymore and it wouldn't be fair for me to keep dragging you along knowing we wouldn't have anything more in our relationship. You deserve to find who would appreciate having you around." I explained to him as calmly as I could.

"But you see the thing is (Y/N) is you broke my heart, and I want you to feel the same pain that I did when you left me, the only problem is I could never hurt you. So you're just gonna stay down here for a while until I decide what I want to do with you." He  said smiling as he stood up and walked away leaving me in a dark and cold room.

      You were still in that room. You've completely lost track of the days you've been there. You couldn't tell if it had been days, weeks, or months. All you knew was that you were at your breaking point. Your body ached from the hits, and slaps that landed on you skin. The cuts covered your face from your forehead to your lips. You wanted to die, you didn't care who you left behind, you just wanted it to finally be over.

      You stared at the plate of food next to you. You didn't understand him, he'd come down and ask you if you loved him. If you said no, you were beat, but than two minutes later he'd be bringing you food and apologizing for what he did. You felt like you had a hand in his poor mental stability. He seemed perfectly okay when you guys met, and three years later he still seemed okay until the breakup. It was almost like a switch and been flicked and now he was this horrible monster that tormented you everyday. You saw light coming into the room.

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