Min Yoongi~ BTS (SAD)

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~Failed Mission?~

        You were walking down the street as you usually do when you're stressed out or you can't sleep, and tonight you were both. Late night walks became an everyday thing for you even though your father warned you not to go. Your father was part of a well know gang that, at this point had terrorized almost the entire town. Everyone and their mother was out to get him or you, but mainly you. Think if they got you you're father would give them anything to protect is baby, he promised you that.

        How did you find out about his gang? Simple, he always kept conversations on the phone quick and quiet. He was always leaving the house at obscene times of the night so eventually your curiosity grew. One day as your father snuck out of his own house you come to follow.  You followed him to a creepy looking warehouse in the middle of nowhere where you found out about everything. 

        If you could go back in time and stop yourself from following him, you would. You hated being involved in this, everything you aspired to be was ripped away in less that a millisecond. Somehow word got out that you were not apart of the gang and since then everyone was out to get you. People would mainly try to abduct you for ransom but you always had someone following close behind to protect you, which you hated. You contently felt like someone was breathing down your neck twenty-four seven.

        What did you do for the gang? You were their nurse. You already have a nursing degree, and were already a nursing assistant before you joined. You did anything and everything that involved some type of nursing. You didn't mind since you were doing something your were already passionate about, you just wished that you could do it was a profession.

       Back to your walk, tonight you chose to sneak out and go on a walk alone. As you were walking down the street you hear rustling in the trees, thinking nothing of it you continue your walk until you hear a loud groan as something hit the ground. You see a man laying in the ground in clear pain. You were always told to ignore random people but your instincts told you to go over.

"Sir, are you okay?" You ask kneeling down next to him.

"Oh yeah I'm fi- SHIT that hurts!" The man exclaimed as he moved his foot.

"Can you wiggle your toes?" You ask examining his foot.

"Umm no definitely not." He said frustration in his voice.

"My apartment isn't that far away, I could take you there. The hospital is too far." You say pointing down the street.

        The man agreed for you to help him get to your apartment. It was a slow and painful journey for the man. You helped as best as you could but considering your didn't have much muscle to your body it was difficult to prevent him from falling. You helped him get into your apartment and you placed him on the couch as you went and got your first aid kid that you used to help your fathers gang members. You placed it on the floor before kneeling in front of him.

"Sir I'm a trained nurse." You said handing him your old nurse i.d. "I can fix this break, if that what it is, but its not gonna be fun." You explain.

"Okay." He says as he sat back trying not to move.

You cut his boot off his foot along with the sock as you examined his foot.

"Yeah, its definitely a break. Do you-"

"Yes please fix it, it hurts."

        You manipulated the fractured bones back into place before wrapping his foot in a cast. You put all the medical equipment back into place before sitting across from him. You could see that he's visibly nervous as he twiddles his fingers. You look at his face and it feels as if you've seen him before. He notices you staring and seems to get more nervous.

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