Bang Chan~ Stray Kids (FLUFF)

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~Ferris wheel Fun~

        You and Chan had been friends for the longest time. You two always went out on "dates" with each other and it was never weird, it strangely made you feel safer. All the members of Stray Kids made fun of you guys and always said that you two were secretly dating, even though they knew you weren't. Chan just made you feel safe and happy all the time which was the greatest feeling in the world, but you had to admit being together wouldn't be a horrible thing. However, you were fine with just being friends.

        The local fair was coming to town soon and you were so excited for it. It was something you looked forward to every year and finally the boys would be around so you get to go with them this year. You had packed an overnight bag because they said you could spend the night with them since its almost an hour drive to the fair. You finished packing and grabbed your car keys, bag, and overnight back before leaving. You threw your duffle bag into the back of your car and drove to the fair, once you had arrived you sat and texted Chan as you waited for them to show up.

        You scrolled through instagram and twitter when you hear a loud bang on your window making you jump. You turn around and see Minho laughing outside your car. You shook your head and grabbed your bag and keys before exiting your car.

"Did I scare you?" Minho asked chuckling.

"Oh shut up." You smile lightly hitting his arm.

        Minho and you met up with the rest of the group and then chaos ensued. Everyone running around everywhere, running to play games, go on rides, get food. You and Chan were left alone to wander the fair together. Riding a few rides here and there, having small conversations as per usual, and just having a good time by yourselves.

"Hey, you wanna go on the Ferris wheel?" Chan asked pointing towards the wheel.

"Sure!" You say excited following Chan to the Ferris wheel.

        You and Chan get in line for the Ferris wheel your excitement growing by the second. Ferris wheels were always your favorite ride. Even though you had a small fear of heights it never mattered if you were on a Ferris wheel. You and Chan got to the front of the line and Chan paid for both of you.

"I could've paid my half." You say as you and Chan sat down.

"Nah I wouldn't let you." Chan said smiling at you. 

        You and Chan had made your way to the top stopping to let the people at the bottom off. You and him sat and admired the view from the top of the Ferris wheel. You two had noticed that you were sitting up there for an unusual amount of time. You had looked over to see a few workers messing with the control box.

"Um Chan we might be stuck up here for a while."

"What? Why?" Chan asked as you pointed to the scene below. "Oh thats why. Well we'll have a good time, we always do."

        You smiled and watched the view of the sunset grow darker until you saw the beautiful moon gleaming in front of you. You couldn't help but stare at Chan, the moonlight hitting his features just right making him look ethereal.

"Didn't your mom tell you its rude to stare (Y/N)?" Chan asked smiling.

"O-oh sorry Chan." You said looking down trying to hide the dark red blush that spread across your face.

"Well since its just us stuck up here, I kinda wanted to tell you something." Chan said scratching the back of his neck.

"Hmm? What is it?" You asked as Chan sat there for a while twirling his fingers. "Chan we're best friends we tell each other everything." 

"That's the thing (Y/N), we're best friends and I don't wanna be that anymore." Chan said and it felt like a ton of bricks had just piled onto your heart smashing it to a pulp as tears pooled in your eyes.

"Oh I'm sorry." You said sniffling trying to hide your tears.

"Oh god no no (Y/N) I promise thats not what I meant!!" Chan said panicking as he held your face swiping your tears away. "I don't wanna be friends anymore, I wanna be more than that."

"Wait what?" You ask looking into Chan's eyes.

"Jeez you're so dense sometimes, I like you (Y/N). Since the first time I met you I fell in love with you." Chan smiled. "(Y/N) will you please please please go out with me?"

"Yes! Oh my god yes!" You smiled hugging him. 

"Oh my god thank you." Chan said kissing your lips.

You smiled into the kiss wrapping your arms around his neck. His hands were placed of your hips slightly squeezing making you giggle.

"Chan, one we're in public, and two we don't know when this is gonna m-" You sentence was cut short as the Ferris wheel jolted forward starting up again. "When it's gonna move." You chuckled.

        Once you and Chan reached the bottom you got off holding hands smiling at one another. You two had met up with the rest of the guys so everyone could get food to eat. As you and Chan walked up you could see everyone smiling at you two.

"FINALLY HE ASKED HER OUT!!" Jisung yelled making you hide your face in Chans chest.

"Oh leave them alone Ji." Felix said slapping him.

You and Chan joined the rest of the guys to eat and when you were done you and Chan got in your car and headed back towards their dorm.

So thats it for this chapter but PLEASE let me know if you want a part two to this chapter. <3 

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