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~It meant everything~

        You sat on your bed, tears flowing down your cheeks. You had made the worst decision of your life a few days ago and now you can't let it go. You had been feeling down the past few weeks and one had made the decision to sleep with your best friend, Mingi. You had been friends with him for years and always had a crush on him, it was always a dream for you to be with him but that all changed when you two slept together. You couldn't bear to see him after so you simply avoid him now. 

         You avoid his texts, calls, dms, hell he's even tried to email you. You avoid him as much as humanly possible at work. You'll slip into the bathroom or run into a separate hallway just trying to see him as little as possible. Did you feel bad? Of course, but you couldn't look at him after that night. It was just all a mistake, but that mistake meant everything to you.

        You were still sitting on your bed and the tears continued to flow. You were so caught up in your episode that you hadn't realized the door of your apartment had opened. You heard a knock on your bedroom door and you looked up to see Mingi standing in the doorway. You couldn't say anything to him, you just simply stared at him, his eyes boring into mine. You couldn't help but cry harder at the sight of him, he was right there in front of you and yet, you refused to say a word.

"(Y/N) you've been ignoring me for the whole week, whats wrong?" Mingi asked walking in and kneeling in from of you.

You didn't know what to say, how do you explain to someone that your hookup was a mistake but you like, no, love that person? You just shook your head no hoping it would somehow make him leave even though he wouldn't.

"No please tell me whats wrong. You haven't said a word to me since we last saw each other. You seemed happy but now I know you're not, so whats wrong?" Mingi asked holding your hands.

You snapped your hands away from him leaving him in a subtle shock. You were never the type that would reject him holding you.

"Mingi, you wouldn't understand." You said sniffling.

"How would you know, I don't even understand whats going on. You won't talk to me, you won't text me back, not even an email. We were the best of friends, and now its like we're complete strangers, what did I do wrong?" Mingi asked tears brimming his eyes.

"Mingi, what we did was wrong. I should've said no when you had suggested us hooking up, it was just one huge, big mistake." You said looking up at him watching the tears fall off his face.  "It was a mistake that meant everything to me." Mingi looked up at you with confusion written all over his face.

"What do you mean it meant everything to you?" 

"I liked you, I still do but I can't help but fear that our one night was simply that to you, a one night. I look at you and I feel safe, and happy but I feel like what we did ruined it. Now I look at you and I feel worried, worried that our friendship is gonna end." You say crying as you pour your heart and emotions out to him.

Mingi's tears have stopped and now he just looks at you. You look up at his face, the lights in your room making his eyes turn into galaxies. This is the first time you've even opened yourself up like this to him.

"This is the first time you've expressed your liking towards me. I wish you said something sooner." Mingi said smiling as he placed his hands on your cheeks and kissed you. "I've been wanting to hear those words from you since I first met you."

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