Min Yoongi~ BTS

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~Good Things Come To An End~

You and Yoongi sat on your bed helping him study for finals for school. You and Yoongi weren't the bestest of friends until about a year and a half ago. He stood up to someone who was constantly making fun of you and since then you two became close.

"You sure you don't need help (Y/N)?" Yoongi asked finishing a problem.

"No I'm fine I already finished studying." You said patting his back. "No no no, thats the wrong formula Yoongi." You said pointing at the previous problem he had finished.

He huffed pushing the paper away making you smile.

"I need to use the bathroom, I'll be right back." You said standing up and making your way down the hall.

Once finished you washed and dried your hands and headed back to your bedroom. You walked in and saw Yoongi holding something in his hand staring at it.

"Whatcha got there?" You say walking up behind him.

"You're leaving me?" Yoongi asked holding up your plane ticket to Italy, your eyes widening in shock that he found your ticket. "Why?"

"Yoongi I PROMISE you it's not my choice." You said tears filling your eyes. "I don't wanna go, but my parents are making me." You cry.

Yoongi puts the ticket back on your desk and pulls you into a hug. He rubs your head knowing thats a quick and easy way to calm you down.

"I'm sorry Yoongi."

"Shh its okay. I'm sure we'll meet again in the future, right?" Yoongi asks still rubbing your head.

        You nod and eventually calm down. The both of you decide to take a break from work and just sit and relax. What you didn't tell Yoongi was that you were already signed out of school and you were leaving by the end of the week. As the days passed you had almost all of your room packed away into the cardboard boxes. The final day came and you were a wreak as you watched your mom and dad pile the remaining boxes into the cab to ship them to Italy.

"Well I guess this is goodbye." You said to yourself as you close your bedroom door and leave your home that you had grown up in.

        You sat on the plane heading back to Korea. It's been seven years since you had left. Seven years since you'd talked to Yoongi. Of course in the beginning you guys tried to stay in contact, talking everyday, but then everyday turned into every other day, then once a week, then a few times a month, and then eventually you stopped getting replies. It made you sad since he was one of your best friends but nevertheless you were still excited to be heading back.

        Your plane had finally landed and you stepped off the plane the stars twinkling in the dark sky making you smile. You waited at baggage claim and then was on your way to your apartment. You arrived at your apartment building and made your way to your new apartment. You laid down on your unfinished bed and closed your eyes soon falling asleep. 

        You had woken up around noon and decided to go shopping for some things for your apartment. After you finished shopping you headed home and stock your fridge and make your apartment feel more like a home. As you were hanging pictures in your room your phone rang and you see its an unknown number.


"Hey (Y/N)." You hear his voice come through your phone speaker.

"Y-Yoongi? Hi! How is everything?"

"Everything is great. I can't believe I'm asking this but are you by any chance visiting someone in Korea? I swear on everything that I saw you at a food store."

"Oh actually I moved back. My plane landed last night." You say chuckling nervously.

"Where do you live? I wanna see you." You smiled and gave Yoongi the address and you sat and waited for his arrival.

        You waited and waited until you heard a knock at your door. You got up and answered it and was immediately engulfed in a huge warm hug.

"I missed you so much." Yoongi said as he squeezed you.

"Wow, the Min Yoongi has feelings?" You laughed hugging back.

"Of course I do. My best friend left seven years ago and now she's in front of me. It doesn't seem real."

        You and him decided to go out and get some food and decided to catch up. You and him brought everything back to your apartment and talked about everything. What happened after you left, what he was doing when you left, and how things have changed.

"So I have a question." You asked getting a 'hmm' in return from Yoongi. "Why did you stop answering me? I texted and texted, called and left an uncountable amount of voice messages and got nothing back. What happened?" You asked.

You watch as Yoongi tenses but never answers your question, he simply shrugged his shoulders.

"No no no this isn't something you can just shrug your shoulders at Yoongi. I want an actual verbal answer. WHY DID YOU STOP ANSWERING ME?" You as repeating yourself.

You earned another shrug from Yoongi. He was never the one to show his feelings to people but it was a rare occasion that he wouldn't tell you something. You sat at the dinner table before abruptly standing up and going to your room shutting the door. Yoongi sat at the table for a while waiting for your return, but when you didn't come back he stood up and made his way to your bedroom.

"(Y/N)? Please don't cry." Yoongi said from the other side of the door.

"How can I not when someone who used to tell me everything won't tell me something thats so important to me?" You say sitting on the floor and hugging your knees. "Maybe we've just drifted apart Yoongi. Lets face it we grew up, we're adults now and sometimes good things come to an end. Maybe WE came to an end." You say tears running down your face.

"Maybe we did." You hear him say from the other side of the door.

        You sat for a few moments before hearing your front door open and close. You stood up and walked out seeing an empty apartment. You waited for a few days to see if Yoongi was really leaving and supposedly he was. No text, no call, no voicemail, no email, nothing.

"Sometimes good things come to an end (Y/N). We hate it, but we can't stop it." You say sitting on your bed deleting all your memories of you and Yoongi before finally deleting his contact.

Kpop ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora