Choi San~ ATEEZ

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5: Your prompt: Y/N follows _____ out for a smoke break during work, but Y/N doesn't actually smoke. They attempt to smoke a cigarette to impress _____, but they immediately start coughing uncontrollably and embarrass themselves.

~Smoke Break~

      You were sitting at your desk scribbling notes down when you saw San get up from his desk. He always left at around the same time each day and was usually back within fifteen minutes. You were gonna be honest you had a slight crush on him but he was way out of your league. He was handsome and outgoing, whereas you, you were shy, and in your eyes, not all that pretty (but ya'll are beautiful/ handsome and if ANYONE says otherwise you and me gonna throw hands. Don't argue with me) but maybe, just maybe you had a chance. You watched the clock and right on schedule, fifteen minutes, later he was walking back through the office door.

      You waved to him and he gave you a warm smile before sitting at his desk continuing his work. You looked at the clock so see your lunch break was in about an hour so you just continued to scribble mindless notes down until it was time for lunch. You grabbed your lunch from the work fridge and sat at the table waiting for your friend. Wooyoung came in and plopped down next to you smiling big and bright like always.

"Hey cutie." He joked as he unwrapped his food as he looked at you. "Oh no, s/he's thinking." He joked.

"Excuse you, I've always had really good ideas." You shot back.

"Are you thinking about your boyfriend? Hmm?" He whispered wriggling his eyebrows.

"No, and he's not my boyfriend." You said with a hint of sadness clear in your voice.

"But maybe one day he could be, if you ever got the courage to talk to him." Wooyoung said giving you a look.

"Yeah I know." 

"You know him and I are friends, I could always introduce you two." Wooyoung smiled.

"No thanks, I'll make a fool of myself." You said looking down at your food.

      You and Wooyoung finished your lunches in a comfortable silence. You looked over at San and saw him getting up from his table to go outside again. You said goodbye to Wooyoung, grabbed your jacket and followed San outside. He dug through his pockets before pulling out a packet of cigarettes and a lighter. San lit the end of the cigarette blew the smoke over towards the door. He saw you standing there and waved you over.

"Hey (Y/N). Sorry about the smoke, I didn't know you were standing over there." He smiled softly taking another drag. 

"No worries." You smiled back tapping your pockets on your jacket.

"Do you need one?" San asked pulling the packet back out.

"Yeah. Thanks." You nodded as San passed you one and lit it.

     You held the cigarette for a moment before attempting to take a drag from it. As the harsh smoke filled your lungs you couldn't help but cough violently. San looked at you nervously seeing your coughing fit. You waved it off and chuckled.

"I just started, still trying to get used to it." You lied. You never smoked a day in your life and truly had no plans to start, this was all to try and impress San.

San chuckled and took another drag, no coughs or anything. The both of you made small talk before he checked his watch seeing that lunch was almost over.

"Dang lunch is almost over but hey maybe I'll see you out here next time huh?" San smiled at you, putting out his cigarette and throwing the butt. "Its nice to have someone to talk to, I'm usually alone so company was nice."

"Yeah just let me know next time you're gonna take a break and I'll come with." You smiled doing the same as him.

      He opened the door for you and the two of you made small talk until you returned to your desk. He made his way over to Wooyoung and made small talk. You saw Wooyoung look over at you before shaking his head no causing San to tilt his head to the side. You saw Wooyoung shake his head no again before saying goodbye to San. You continued your work for however long before you felt a tap on your shoulder.

"Hey, I'm going for a smoke break, you wanna come?" San asked leaning against your desk.

"Oh sure." You said getting up and grabbing your jacket.

      The pair of you made your way back outside and you leaned against the wall. San took out two cigarettes passing you one, and lit them. You tried taking smaller drags to prevent the event from earlier happening again but it failed. You felt your throat burn before your chest tightened and a spew of coughs came out again. San looked at you smiling before he took the cigarette from your lips, putting it out and throwing it away.

"Hey, I wasn't done yet." You said trying to sound like your were mad.

"You don't actually smoke. I asked Wooyoung earlier and he said he had absolutely no knowledge of you ever smoking, or wanting to smoke." San said taking a quick drag. " So why are you really smoking?" San asked looking at you.

You stood there for a few moments embarrassed, trying to figure out a way out of this.

"I guess I was just trying to find a way to talk to you, and I figured this seemed like a good way." You said quietly.

San let out a small chuckle.

"You could've just talked to me. You didn't have to go through with smoking cigarettes, its not good for you." 

You raised your eyebrow at San.

"You're telling me its not good to smoke, well than whats in your hand?" You smiled.

"Okay fair enough." He said putting the cigarette out. "How about this, we go out for drinks later and I'll work on quitting." He smiled brightly. "Please say yes, I need a good excuse to quit."

You and San laughed before you nodded your head.

"Yeah, I think I can squeeze in drinks later." You smiled at him.

His phone went off to tell him that his smoke break was over. He opened the door for you and followed you back to your desk.

"So when works over I'll meet you, and I'll drive us?" San asked.

"Sure, okay."

San smiled and went back to his desk and Wooyoung dashed over.

"I hope me telling him you don't smoke was a good thing?" He asked.

"It was a great thing. We're going out for drinks later." You said excited.

"Yes!!" Wooyoung whispered. "I did something right!" 

You laughed and continued to work until it was time for you to leave. You packed your bag and San walked up next to you.

"So ready for those drinks?" He smiled.

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