Step 2 (Unimpressive moment)

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Yoongi still not believed about what had happened to him.He touched his still warm cheek that the guy had touched before.

What was that?

Who is he?

What I'm gonna do with this money?

Why Hoseok left taco in microwave?

Is it really a taco?

Then Yoongi's sudden realisation make him gasp

Holly is a male

and he left him in the veterinary.

And with that he grabbed his bag and hurriedly went to the place but not before change the sign at the door as 'Rest'.Forgeting about the man earlierHe ran to the place not giving a fuck of people he's bumped with his mind occupied with his pet.

Little did he know someone was watching him from behind.


"Oh thank god,you're safe now." Yoongi said while hugging Holly, feeling relief sipped through his mind.Holly,his dog look at him with no worry in the world.He licked his owner's face as if he want to reassure him that he's fine.

Yoongi giggled at the dog's ministration.He then thanked the veterinarian who took care of the dog and then went out with a happy looking Holly with a colar attached to red strape around the dog's neck.

He giggled when Holly became excited and ran before his owner but the colar prevent him from getting any further.Fortunately,Yoongi bought the stretchable colar to make sure the dog didn't get choked or uncomfortable.

Holly is the one that make him guffy and soft outside besides his job and his friend.He took care of it since 2 years ago where her grandmother give the excited brown puppy as a gift on his birthday.He couldn't be more grateful because he always want a dog since he's a child.But now,she's already gone and it is time for Yoongi to return her favor.

"Let's go to the park,Holly."He said fondly to his dog.Holly barked and that makes Yoongi smiled a bit.He checked the time,it's okay if he rest a bit since it was his lunch time.Yoongi walked and hummed a tune he's thinking about earlier.

When he and Holly arrived at the park,he noticed a dog attached to the collar.He released Holly and let Holly ran toward the other dogs.He then sat on a bench near the center of the park and continued to hummed the tune.

But he feel something he's been watched by someone.He turned around and only see some people jogging and empty field.He shrugged it off and turned around again,maybe his instinct was wrong afterall.


Yoongi ate the rest of sandwiches that he bought from Subway,feeling hungry after the walk he had done with his dog.He already send the dog into his house which is nearby his shop.But then,he remember something.

Fuck,I forgot to take the coffee.

He groaned and almost smashed his forehead on the surface of the counter.Muttering the world fuck countless time as if it would make coffee came to him.

Today was very slow for him.He don't know whether to hate his friend for messaging him nonstop or the 'nonexistent' customers.He wondered how's his phone didn't explode yet from the costant text he had received.The final vibrate make Yoongi groaned again and picked his phone and check the message.




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