Step 13 (Nevermind)

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As someone (everyone) knew Yoongi loves flower,he totally mean it.

Every flowers had it special meaning and beautiful features that he never getting bored of when learning those stuff.

He remember when he got caught stealing beautiful flowers from his neighbour's garden when he's a little boy.The neighbour didn't get mad at him.Instead,she asked Yoongi for some favor like watering the flowers and planting the seed.After few weeks,they were getting along with each other and of course,his neighbour become attached to him.

She even praised Yoongi about how he was beautiful like those flowers.

Yoongi blushed and let out a squeal when she pinched his puffy cheek.Yoongi remember when she said that to Yoongi to give someone some beautiful flowers if they were upset.

And,it's become a habit for Yoongi giving flowers to sad people.He's not a meanie just because he had a fierce look,he was a soft boy who likes something so simple.

And that's how Yoongi met Jimin.

Well...he didn't mean to.

The ten year old Yoongi was chilling around and plucked some flowers at the park near the forest gate to show it to her grandmother.Usually,she always smiled at the collection and put it in a pretty vase.He really glad that he had such a lovely nanny.

But when he was about to go back to his house,he heard bushes rustle behind him.The sound that came from behind a big tree as he was assuming it was just an animal passing by.He squinted his eyes and he saw it with his own eyes.With his curiousity,he was heading toward the tree in slow motion.There,he discover a boy was sitting alone.

Being a caring boy he was,he poked his shoulder one time.The boy didn't look at him.He tried again and boy,was he the prettiest boy he had ever seen.

Plump lips,brownish hair,wide brown eyes and chubby cheeks stared at him,suprised but calmly smiled at him.He assumed that the boy looks younger than him.He didn't know why but he opened his mouth after a while looking at the boy's squishy cheeks.

"What are you doing here?"He asked but the boy's didn't reply for a minute.Was this boy mute or what?

" is calming just sitting here,doing nothing."He replied nonchalantly when Yoongi was about to asked him again.

"Why are you alone?Don't you have friends to play with?"Said that to yourself,Yoongi thought to himself but being hypocrite wasn't what he tried to be right now.The boy just look at him with blank expression but he still gave a small smile to him.

"I don't have friends.My dad will be mad if I do."

"Why?"Yoongi frowned.

"Because my dad only allowed me to befriend wealthy people but I didn't want that.They are fake and pretentious."The chubby boy gagged after saying that.Looks like he's a bit knowledgeable using those word.

"So you really don't have friend?"

The boy shook his head.

"Can I be your friend,then?"He asked,hopefully.

The boy looked at him with wide eyes.He nodded hastily making Yoongi giggled.

"You're cute."Yoongi said wholeheartedly.

The younger blushed.Pink blush tinted his cheek made him more adorable.Yoongi cooed at him and teased him for a bit.

"By the way,what's your name.Mine's Yoongi.Min Yoongi."

The boy rubbed his head and looked down.

"Jimin.Park Jimin."

"Nice to meet you,Jimin"He gave gummy smile to the boy which caused him to blush even more.

"Y-yeah nice to meet you too...Yoongi."He said while fiddled with his finger.

He was about to play with the boy but he heard his mother called him to go home.

He didn't realise it was already late.

"Seems like my mommy call me to get home.Well,see you soon.Oh! and here you can have this beautiful flower.It's a gift from me."

"R-really?T-thank you."He mumbled queitly at the end of the word but Yoongi heard it anyway.

He smiled at him one last time before he ran to his house which was a few blocks from the park.

He didn't know the boy stared at his back.

He didn't know the boy clutched the flower to his chest.

And he certaintly didn't know the boy looking at him with heart eyes and big grin.

Park Jimin.

The name seems familiar but Yoongi couldn't place where he heard the name before.

Nevermind,it wasn't that important.


The same flower in his grasp.He put it in the vase gently and placed it on his office desk beside some Yoongi's pictures in some frame.

He's not there in most eventual time but he always keep an eye on him.Only him.

He hummed a song while tried to find something to done his work.

He found a scissor and played with the sharp edge for a bit.

He heard a knock,he already know who was it knocking his door without addressing himself.

"Come in,Jungkook."

Jungkook entered without hesitating for a bit.He might get bored if he just stood outside of the CEO's door.

"Mr. Park,I know you are already...impatient but you can't do whatever you want if you didn't process what they could have done."

"What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean.Are you sure  involving him is a good idea?If he ever leave,don't come at me crying your ass out.It's one of your 'genius' idea after all."He said blatantly but his face held no expression at all.

"Jungkook,had you ever heard about butterfly sucking on the nectar in a flower?"He asked while staring at the flower.Elbow on the desk,his chin on his hand.When he heard no respond,he continued.

"The butterfly needs nectar to survive but they died anyway."

"The same as him,if he was the flower,then..."

"I would kill everyone who could have harm him.Even someone he loved too...And I would never let him get away from me."

Jungkook nodded but he didn't seem really interested about it.

"Very well,then.It's your gameplay after all."

Jimin gave him a wicked smile.His eyes dark with desire means that it's not a good deal to deal with in the first place.

He only thought about how's this going to ended up with and he would simply just watch everything from behind until the end.

Nah,he might skip it and maybe ignored what would gonna happen next.


I'm back and finally alive from dead itself

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