Step 15 (A broken heart can't be fixed)

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"Aaaaah!"The scream echoed in the hall,panicked people tried to find the way out but it seems like that was the purpose of the guard at the exit door.

Jimin pointing his gun to himself.

Yoongi panicked,he tried to find one person who might help him.

Hoseok and Tae looked at him hopelessly,afraid that he could hurt Yoongi and both of them which was unappealing to die like that.

Where's Jin when you need him?


Before the shooting agenda happened,he automatically went to the food.His stomach grumbling and he did forget to eat dinner.After saw Yoongi heading to another place,he decided he need to eat first.

Food is important than anything,he thought.

Since there were many foods,he might stole a bit so he didn't had to buy supper.Hey,a smart way to save his money.

While he was gobbled the burgers (he removed the vegetable part and only eat the meat)
he saw something that make his eyes wide open.Or rather someone.

That man was there.Talking with people who looks like rich bachelors and famous celebritie surrounded him.

Fuck,why he was here?

Seokjin couldn't think for a reason as he was choking on his food and thinking about a place to hide before he saw him.

When he was looking his way,he crouched down immediately and hide behind the table.Fortunately,the table cloth was long enough to hide him from his view.

Why he's here?!Seokjin thought continuously and bite his lip in fear.He tapped the floor for a few minutes.Knees aching from kneeling for too long but he knew that the man was still here.

He peeked through the edge of the table and indeed,it was really him.He prayed nobody would called him.

"Jin!Where are you?You're supposed to be with Yoongi."He heard a familiar voice.It sounds like Taehyung called him.

Fuck,Fuck,Fuck,he didn't remember he was the one who's giddy enough to be Yoongi's rightman.

Tae,shut up,he thought as if he could use telepathy with his mind and talk with Taehyung internally.

(Not in this universe,if you read Your Anpanman you will know #shamelesspromotion)

He prayed that Taehyung would stop calling him.Of course he thought wrong when Taehyung shouted louder than before.

"Kim Seokjin!Where are you?"This time,Hoseok joined too.

This make a few people looked at them with curiosity and a certain guy heard the name clearly that he whipped his head really quick so he could see who's the one shouted the name.

Shit,I'm gonna run away from this place,he thought and tried to find the exit door.

Karma in a bitch when the exit door was infront of the man he want to avoid at all cost.

The man was looking around to search a certain Kim Seokjin who was still hiding behind the food table.And gues what?The wind suddenly rustling inside and uncovered Jin's hiding spot.

Shit,never hide under the table no matter what,he noted to himself,tried to run away but then he felt a man grabbed his wrist as if he didn't want to let go.He froze,he didn't turn around to look at the man who was holding his wrist because he know who was it.


He knew he couldn't run from the place but maybe he could try dying first.

Okay,that was a really fucked up plan.

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