Step 6 (Yoongi's whipped already?)

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Mouth agape,Yoongi didn't trust what he had seen.

Park Jimin,his precious childhood friend was here.

His chubby cheeked,sweet grin and eye smile like crescent was very familiar to Yoongi.

"Soooo Jaymin how does you meet Yoongi-hyung?"

They were sitting at the nearest table and Hoseok was the one that crashing the silence by introducing himself with already loud voice.God,if Yoongi wasn't that suprise he would be longing to smash his friend's head on the table.

"Yoongi and I were childhood bestfriends.I kind of not expecting to meet him after it has been so long since I met him right,Yoongi-hyung?"


Now,Yoongi was nervous and was looking down at his shoes.He fiddled with his sweater paw and noticed that his palm was sweating.He wiped his hand at his jeans and tried to look at Jimin's face without been intimidated

By his cuteness.

Long time ago,Jimin with his chubby cheek and sparkly eyes looking at him as if he was his hero make Yoongi more whipped than whipped cream.

But after been so long not meeting him,Yoongi felt really awkward and a bit nervous.He missed the glinting from Jimin's wide eyes and little smirk but soon replaced by big grin when he looked at Jimin's face.

He missed Jimin dearly when he was child.Jimin and his family moved out to New York City since his father was the Ceo of a very well-made company.

Jimin cried not because he don't want to move out but he cried because he can't bring Yoongi with him.Yoongi reassured him that he will meet him sooner or later.After several promises and delicate pinky promise,Yoongi may or may not cried a little bit.

To Yoongi,Jimin was his precious baby brother.

But to Jimin,it's not what he want from Yoongi.

He felt something brush his cheek and looked at Jimin who leaned close enough to Yoongi's face and smiled.But then the look Jimin gave him was weird and it make him uncomfortable.


"Have anyone called you pretty, hyung?"He said with a slight tilt of his head.His smiling face still appeared but that doesn't mean Yoongi didn't see the mysterious glint in his eyes. Yoongi didn't notice Jimin's hand was at his flower crown.

He noticed when Jimin touched his hair.

"The flower... they're so pretty but you're more beautiful than any flower I had seen before."Which that Yoongi blushed.His pale cheek become more redder than several minute before.

God,where's Hoseok.This is too cringy.Didn't he read his script at the counter just a minute ago?

Speaking of him,Hoseok was fighting with the barista about some unimportant stuff.

It's been like this:

"Can I have some sprite?"

"Sir,this is a cafe"

"Should cafe have some sprite?"

"Welp,looks like this cafe don't have those."

"Aww~but I want sprite."

"Sir,this is not a convenience store."

"Because I just want to say your existence sprightening me"

"Sir.......the door is that way"



"...okay."With that Hoseok left because he was reading the script upside down and accidentally read the script for the next part and smirked when he looked at author-nim who was eating bibimbap at a fucking cafe.
The spirit just waved off Hoseok.

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