Step 17 (You idiot)

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"Choose me or I'll die."He threatened Yoongi with a gun on his temple, ready to push the trigger.

Bitch he said it like he didn't give Yoongi two choices and two fucks about this.

What's Yoongi gonna do?

Okay hoes time to play quiz

1) agreed to marry Jimin and lost your fucking virginity.

2)Run away but then Jimin will hunt you down and forced you to marry him. Again

3)Hide in someone's house (for the first time in his life he would do what Taehyung do in his house to play fucking hide and seek.No Tae-)

4)Wait...It's already four choices?Well gues what?Those were suck as fuck no wonder Yoongi still didn't pick any of the same choice.

But now he had only a conclusion to all of this trouble.Nope Yoongi don't fucking do it. You're a man with dominance with a cool swag and three dollar-What the fuck you're doing?!Don't move any closer to that psycho!Oh god oh fuck-

Shut up.Yoongi said in his thought. Hey,at least it needs his braincell to work properly for him to process what's happening.

Bitch,I do what I want. Yoongi's mind playing a game with him.

"No I know what I'm doing you just fucking keep your mouth shut."He muttered to himself but it was loud enough that the everyone heard it.

Yoongi rolled his eyes and those who was at the seat where looking at him weirdly.


Anyway, back to Jimin who was still holding the gun in his hand, he decided he had to give in.

It's not going to be that worst marrying your childhood friend who suddenly come in your life again only with tuxedo and rings and flower loop on his head and threatened to kill himself if he didn't want to marry him.

Sure...It's going to be fine.

"Right Jimin.Put that gun down and I will marry you.."He said half heartedly because he's Min Yoongi.

"Really?You're going to be mine?Forever?" And now he pointed the gun at Yoongi. Great fucking great.

"Ugh let's talk about you try to owning me but first let go."He gestured at the gun with wild hand gesture.

Jimin put the gun in his back pocket and try to contain his excitement.He almost pounded on Yoongi if not the priest continued the vow.

The priest looked so done like he had ever experienced this countless time.

Not that Yoongi gonna judge for him but oh well.

"So ahem-will you Min Yoongi take Park Jimin as your husband?To be bond together no matter how bad things or tradegy come at you both?" He said with uncertainty because he looked like hiding something.

"I-I do."Yoongi stuttered and cursed himself for it.

"The groom must put on the ring on the other groom's left hand."

Jimin put it on the ring.Yoongi winced in pain when he gave a harsh grip on his hand before letting his hand go.Yoong did the same but his hand was shaky that the ring sometimes fall due to his slippery hands.Jimin cooed at him for how nervous and flustered he looked right now.

"Then,I'll announce you are now husband and er...husband.Now you may kiss your groom now."And then he left like some magician but actually using the back door to get out of there-

"Wait!Y-you're not going t-to kiss me...right?"

Yoong took one step back but before he could run, Jimin grabbed his tiny waist as he looked at him with dark expression.Yoongi let out a tiny yelp.They were so close that Yoongi could feel his breathing on his mouth.He closed his eyes,anticipated and nervous for what was going to happen to him now.

Before he knew it,he felt a pair of soft lip on his.

Rather that gentle kiss, it was a passionate one and with many feelings poured into it. Yoongi got overwhelmed and pushed his chest but it was futile attempt as Jimin grabbed both of his wrist.

He did break the kiss first only because Yoongi was out of breath that his face was crimson red.

Then,without recovering from it,he felt like he got lifted up.He yelped at the sudden movement and grab anything he could to make sure he's not falling.He wrapped his arm around Jimin's neck and hide his face because of the embarrassment.

He didn't dare to look at Jimin although he might be smirking at Yoongi right now.

"I can't wait to have a life with you.Welcome home, My dear Yoongi." He whispered into Yoongi's ear making him flushed all over.

"Let's make you all prepared because I'm not going to let you sleep tonight-"

Yoong gulped.

"Because I'm going to spoil you rotten and make love to you." And there he was,looking at him like he was the most prettiest thing to ever exist.

Yoongi's heart may or may not flipped (shut up braincell)

And with that Jimin got out of the wedding hall with Yoongi in his hold.

Welp,that's a wholeass heartwarming confession.Give him a clap.Not on his ass,Jimin-

Meanwhile,their friends took a selca as if nothing happened.Yoongi gave a pleading look to them but they pretended he was not there by giving a fake laugh to each other even Hoseok exaggerate to slap Taehyung hard on the shoulder.Some kind of friends they were.

Welp,he's done now.Fucking done with this world,done with Jimin,done with everything that oh so hate him so much that he might had show a middle finger to all haters (and no, everyone will be damned for a while now)

"Jimin put me down I'm not a toddler."He said almost pouting to himself if not the smug look on Jimin's face told the obvious answer.

"Nope." He popped the 'p' at the end of it and man,how could Yoongi didn't become a mad man.

He didn't realise they are already near the expensive shit car and Yoongi would had cursed to universe if it wasn't his excitement to ride an expensive car.

I mean YOLO,he thought to himself before got in with Jimin opened the door for him.He sat on the pasenger seat before he felt a body weighed on him.He looked up only to see Jimin was really close to him that he felt his breath hitched.

He triend not to remember about the kiss,when Jimin touched him everywhere,hungry for his body but he felt there's nothing wrong.

Jimin love him right?

He was to nervous. It was an uncomfortable silence.Yoongi played with the hem of his shirt,not bothering to ask what's next.

Honestly,he's too scared to know it himself.

But somehow, he dozed off.His eyes were blurry because he was too tired due to the event today..Before he knew it,he closed his eyes and the darkness engulfing him.

Little did he knew Jimin was watching his every move,trying to drive home safely.He smiled at the sleeping figure.

"Don't worry you're safe now."He whispered to Yoongi eventhough he couldn't hear what Jimin said

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