Chapter 10

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~ Hannah's POV ~

We pulled off a gravel road and into a drive way. Also known as Liam's home.

"Why aren't we taking him to the hospital?" I asked the guys.

"They wont be able to help with this situation." Liam mumbled.

"They wont be able help with this situation my a**! If they aren't able to help then how on earth are we able to help Luke?" I yelled confused and in anger. Luke may not be blood related but I've grown up with him and he's an amazing guy. He doesn't deserve to die, he's to young. Luke basically saved me from being beaten up, now it was my turn to help save him.

"It's hard to explain but Blake and Micheala can help. I promise." Liam said as him and Aidan hopped out of the truck. Liam ran to the front door. Aidan came to the back door of the truck and opened it. I sat Luke up so he was sitting in the seat. Not to long later Liam came out of the house with his dad, Blake.

"How long has he been out?" Blake asked as he lifted Luke out of the truck.

"We're not sure." Aidan replied worried. I hopped out of the truck and shut the door. Blake carried Luke into the house as Liam, Aidan and I followed not to far behind.

"Liam come with me. Aidian and Hannah wait in here. We'll be back shortly." Blake said walking over to the basement stairs.

Aidan and me walked into the living room and sat on the couch. I turned the tv on and the Hangover 3 was on. I left it on the channel since I knew Aidan liked this movie. Hoping it would cheer him up a little and help keep his mind off his brother.

It was in the beginning where Alan asks Phil if he's going and Phil says, "I love ya Alan." Then Alan stares at Phil and starts to cry. I Started giggling until I realized Aidan was sitting still staring at the tv in a trance. He would normally smile or chuckle at this part... But not today. I move over closer to Aidan to where my leg was an inch from his thigh and turned the tv off. He still stared blankly at the tv looking as tho he was in a deep thought trance.

"Hey Aidan, do you wanna talk?" I asked him as I laid my hand on his arm. He slowly looked to me and I could see the pain in his eyes. The type of pain you hold in for a few months. My eyes started to blur at the edges signaling the tears were building up.

"Come here." I said barley above a whisper as I opened my arms. He wrapped his arms around me and buried his face in my neck as he started to cry softly. I rubbed his back as I placed my chin on his shoulder.

"It's okay. Luke's gonna make it. Don't worry."  I said sniffling.

Yeah, I know what your thinking. 'Why would you treat Aidan nicely. When he use to bully your brothers and was mean to you all?'... Well, I feel like Aidan's changed sense Tracy dumped him and sense the fight. I think he's realized that popularity doesn't matter. What matters is your friends and family who are there for you. Also believe in giving people a second chance... Even if they may not deserve it.

We sat on the couch hugging as Aidan crying into my neck as a few tears fell from my eyes.

"H-he's the o-only family I h-have." Aidan said threw sobs. I heard his parents left town buy I didn't know something bad happened to them.

"Hey it's okay. You've got me and I promise I'll never leave your side." I said rubbing his back slowly as I tried to calm him down. He lifted his head up from my shoulder and looked at me with his red puffy eyes.

"Promise?" he said barley above a whisper as he held out his pinkie. I smiled weakly and nodded as I held out my hand and hooked our pinkies.

"I promise." I said. He smiled weakly back and gave me a hug.

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