Chapter 18

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The gravel clinked as the wheels of my bug drove over it. I was about two towns away from my childhood best friend's house. She moved out of town back when we were in 5th grade but out friendship has stayed strong. We've always been there for each other even tho we've had our ups and downs.

I began to sing along to the radio as it played 'Boom Clap'. The radio played through a few songs I didn't know so I hummed along to the beat. That's when I least likely thought my favorite love song came on. I sang along as it played.

"Hey babe it's me, I just wanted to call to tell you that

I love you so so so so much,

Just wanted to let you know that you are my princess,

You are worthy of all of the love in the world,

You are the love of my life.

Now's all we got,

And time can't be bought,

I know it inside my heart

Forever will forever be ours,

Even if we try to forget,

Love will remember....."

I felt the tears start to form. I tried my best to blink them away but all it did was made them form faster. I pulled over on the side of the road. I waited for the tears stopped rolling but it seemed as if they would never end.

"...You said you loved me,

I said I loved you back,

What happened to that?

What happened to that?

All your promises,

And all them plans we had,

What happened to that?

What happened to that?

Boom gone,

Yeah, we move on

Even if we try to forget..."

All that ran through my mind was that everyone I ever trusted kept secrets from me and lied to me. Was Clarie and Cassy hiding anything from me. Who could I trust? My tears had turned from sad to anger. I slammed my hands down onto the steering wheel letting my anger out. I looked up to see a deer standing in the view of the headlights. It just seemed to stand there and look directly at me, looking right through me. All a sudden I hear a loud gun shot and the deer goes down. I look around to see no vehicles or people. When I turn back around a girl with her hoodie pulled up, revealing a little of her  blonde hair, stood where the deer once laid. She had a bow in her hand as her emotionless face turned to show a blood curdling grin. A chill ran down my back as she slowly raised the bow.

I switched my car from park to drive and floored the gas as I swerved around the girl. As I drove away I heard a loud noise like something hit the car forcefully. I had no clue where I was going but I turned down a bunch of different roads trying to get as far away from where I was parked. The weird thing was I felt like I knew where I was going. I had the feeling as I had lost the girl with the bow so I slowed down.

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