Chapter 9

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~ Hannah's POV ~
"JAXSON, DAMON I'M HOME!" a guy yelled from downstairs. Jaxson looked at me kinda worried. I wonder why he's worried.

"I KNOW YOU HAVE A FRIEND OVER!" the guy said again. How'd he know that?

"That's my dad, he's now home I guess." he said as he grabbed my hand.

"I sometimes wonder if some parents are psychic. They always seem to know things without anyone saying anything." I said smiling at him. 

"Oh if only you knew." He said smirking. We walked out of the room to see a man sitting in the living room. The man had brunette hair with blue eyes.

"Hello." The guy said looking to me and Jaxson.

"Hi" I said with a little wave.

"Hannah this is my Dad, Matt. Dad, this is Hannah Johnson." Jaxson said introducing. Matt smiled then turned back to the tv as Jaxson and me walked into the kitchen. He went to open the fridge when the bell rang.

"I'll get it!" Matt said. He walked to the front door and I could hear a little of the conversation.

"Hello." I heard Matt say in a uncheerful voice.

"Hello, Matt. I was wondering if we could have our friend back before someone tries to bite her." said a familial voice. 

Wait did they just say bite? I looked at Jaxson who seemed to stiffen as he handed me a can of pop.

"Jaxson! Your... friends, are here to see you." Matt said. 

Jaxson grabbed a hold of my hand as he walked over to the entryway. On the porch stood Aidan and Liam. Wait when'd they become friends and why are they here?

"Hey Hannah. Derek said you'd be here, he wants you home." Liam said looking at me with warning eyes. I felt Jaxson's grip on my hand tighten.

"Where's Derek at?" I asked worried.

"He's back at home looking for your guy's dog." Aidan said stepping a little closer to the door.

"Are you sure that's where he is?" Jaxson asked smirking at Aidan. He didn't seem afraid of Jaxson, he almost seemed.... P*ssed. They stared at each other and I could hear Aidan breathing heavily.

"You might want to keep that temper down. You don't want to hurt the wrong people." Jaxson said. That seemed to make Aidan even more mad. I could have sworn I heard him growl.

My attention was turned away from the guys when I heard a loud crash come from the kitchen. I looked up at Jaxson who had a confused face. I let go of Jaxson's hand as I walked closer to the kitchen. When I got to the kitchen I seen no one just a broken glass on the floor. That was until I looked around the corner on the other side of the island. There sat Aidan's younger brother, Luke, who had gone missing a few months back.

"Oh my gosh, Luke!" I yelled as I ran over to his side. He had blood running down from his head as he leaned up against the island with his eyes closed.

"He should have known better." a girl said. I turned around to see a blonde haired girl.

"What do you mean, 'He should have known better'? Who are you?" I asked the girl as she slowly moved closer to me.

"Someone you don't want to back sass, but looks like you just did so." She said angirly. The girl was about a yard away when someone tackled her. It was Liam.

"Don't even think about it Avril!" he yelled.

 "Oh, looks like Liam's protective." Avril said grinning.

I looked back at Luke who still had his eyes closed. I put my head up to his chest to listen for a heart beat. He's still alive.

"Luke, can you hear me? If you do, can you move your hand or make a face expression?" I asked putting my hand up to his face as I rubbed my thumb over his cheek that had blood smeared on it.

"He isn't gonna wake up for a while. He's unconscious stupid!" Avril laughed at me. I heard a smack noise and I turned around to see a red spot lightly showing up on her face.

"What'd you do to him?" I said standing up. I looked around to see if anyone was by the door and there was. Jaxson and Aidan were on the ground throwing punches at each other. I turned to Avril and Liam because I need to figure out whats wrong with Luke and get him out of here.

"What did you do to him?" I yelled at Avril.

"What do you mean sweety? I saved your life. One less werewolf to deal with." She said smirking.

"ARE YOU ON CRACK? TELL ME WHAT YOU DID TO HIM?" I screamed as I walked closer to her and Liam. He still had her pinned to the ground.

"He's unconscious from wolfsbane dips**t! Dang Liam you guys need to teach her better." Avril said looking at Liam.

When she said that something snapped in me. I walked the rest of the way over to them and started kicking Avril's side.

"Hannah STOP KICKING!" Liam yelled. I stopped kicking her realizing that Luke needed to get to the hospital. I reached into my pocket to find nothing.

"Liam were's your phone?" I asked and he gave me a questioning look.

"Why?" he asked looking up at me.

"We need to get Luke to the hospital." I said making a 'duh' face at him.

He didn't respond he just looked back at Avril who was squirming underneath him. Ok he's not helping. I walked into the living room to where Aidan and Jaxson were still hitting each other. Both of them had blood on there faces.

"Stop fighting!!" I yelled at them as i tried to pull Aidan off of Jaxson. They kept fighting.

"STOP FIGHTING!!" I screamed. As i pushed Aidan off of Jaxson. I pushed him hard enough that I lost my balance and fell on top of him. I looked over to Jaxson to see a face filled with anger and a touch of jealousy. I turned back to Aidan.

"We found Luke. Where's your phone at? We need to call the ambulance." I said looking into Aidan's eyes as I laid on top of him. His breathing decreased as he looked back at me.

"Where's he at?" Aidan asked worried. I got off of him and stood up. I looked over at Jaxson, again, but he was no longer sitting on the floor. He was gone. I turned my attention back to Aidan.

"He's in the kitchen unconscious." I said grabbing his hand as I lead him to the kitchen. When we walked in Liam was kneeling down beside Luke. Where'd Avril go?

"What'd they do to him?" Aidan asked from behind me.

"He's unconscious by wolfsbane. We need to get him to Blake, he'll know what to do." Liam said as he put one of Luke's arm around his shoulder. I noticed Liam had a bloody lip and blood on his shoulder where his shirt was ripped.

"Aidan can you gab his other arm and help me take him to the truck?" Liam asked. Aidan let go of my hand and walked over to Luke's side and they lifted him up.

I followed then out of the house and to Liam's truck that sat in the drive way.

"I'll sit with Luke, if you want." i said as they opened the back seat door. Liam nodded his head signaling that I could get in.

"Aidan you can get in the truck. I can handle him." Liam said looking to Aidan. Aidan nodded his head as he removed Luke's arm from his neck and walked over to the passenger side. Liam picked Luke up and put him in the seat beside me. I scooted over to the seat behind Aidan. I then laid Luke down a crossed the seat resting his head on my lap.

Liam drove the pickup down the drive and headed down the paved road.


So where'd Matt, Avril, and Jaxson disappear too? Will Luke live or is it to late? How much time is left to save his life? Who's Blake?

Hit that star.

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