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Many Years Ago

A young boy stared at the mannequin before him. It was standing behind the large glass pane within the clothing store. The clothes on the mannequin was a red tailcoat and a black top hat. The boy looked at the clothes with wonder. He felt very moved by the design of the outfit. It was almost that he wanted to wear it. The boy wanted to roam around the streets in it, looking like the ones who drank wine, had galas, and watched shows in the theater. The boy wanted to be the one who had everything. He looked down at the rags that he wore. His pants were dusty and torn, his shoes were splitting in half, and he even felt his own empty pockets.

"Come on, Brendon, let's go," said the old man behind him.

Brendon turned around and he looked up at the old man. He wore a white shirt with a vest and a tie, along with a large, brown trench coat. He also wore a green top hat on top of his head. The man grabbed Brendon by the arm and dragged him around. The young boy recognized the man to be his father. Brendon didn't really understand why of why his father was in a hurry. He just wanted to stand around and stare at that lovely outfit from the store.

"Brendon, hurry up," Brendon's father said, "You're going to miss the train."

"Where are we going, Father?" Brendon asked.

"We are going to my friend's house," the man replied.

The boy nodded, and he continued to follow his father all the way to the train station. As they were walking to the train station, Brendon felt very bored and quite annoyed. He didn't want to come along his father's errands. He just wanted to sit at his home and dream. The boy wanted to dream about the future, his future in particular. Brendon always sat alone in his room, playing around with whatever object he can find in the house. He would create little performances on front of the mirror, using all of the little toys as props. Brendon would rather spend a day playing pretend in his home than coming along with his father to another's house. Mr. Urie and Brendon finally reached the train station, got their tickets, and they finally went in the train. As they were in the train, Brendon spent his time staring through the window, over the trees.

One hour later, the train finally reached its destination, and that was when Mr. Urie and Brendon decided to get off of the train. The two then started walking their way to wherever they were heading to. Mr. Urie held his son's arm tight as they were walking, as if he was worried that Brendon was going to run around again. Brendon hated it when his father held his arm tight. Sure, Brendon understood his father wanting to protect him, but the boy couldn't help but feel quite annoyed. It was only a matter of time, until the Uries finally reached it. Brendon looked up, and he saw a giant white house standing before him. The boy immediately recognized the house to be the house of the Orzechowski family.

Once when he came to that realization, Brendon felt quite excited. He was excited because he got to see his friend Sarah again. Every time he visited the Orzechowski household, Brendon would always spend some time with young Sarah Orzechowski, the girl who has a heart of gold. The two would always play games, laugh, and even have normal day to day conversations. Brendon has always thought of the young girl to be the most beautiful girl he has ever seen, but he also found her to be the kindest.

Even though the two loved hanging out, Mr. Orzechowski―Sarah's father―would always give Brendon hateful, disapproving glares. The poor boy didn't know why Sarah's father would look at him like that. Brendon knew that he didn't do anything that was typically wrong, but he chose to ignore Mr. Orzechowski and continue to hang out with Sarah.

"Stand up straight," Mr. Urie told Brendon as they walked up the front steps. "Wipe that muck off."

The man quickly brushed all of the dust and dirty off of Brendon's shirt. Brendon slightly rolled his eyes, but he made sure that his father didn't see it. Mr. Urie and Brendon entered the house, and Mr. Orzechowski came in and greeted Mr. Urie. Brendon, however, didn't really get any sort of greeting. The adults in the room started to head to the living room, where they would have their conversations. Brendon searched around for Sarah, and he didn't see her anywhere. The boy looked past the living room, and there she was. Sarah was sitting at a dining table with her mother, learning how to sip a cup of tea. The young girl tried to stay focused and listen to her mother, and Brendon watched carefully.

"Arm extended, elbow out," said Sarah's mother.

The woman quickly demonstrated to her daughter of how to sip a cup of tea. Sarah observed very carefully, and she tried her best to copy her mother.

"Sip, never slurp," the older woman said.

Sarah quickly put down her teacup, and she made eye contact with Brendon. The girl exchanged a smile towards her friend, and she then continued to sip her tea. Sarah lifted her teacup very elegantly, and she started to sip the tea just like her mother.

"Pinky in the air," Sarah's mother instructed, "Arm extended, elbow out."

As Sarah's mother continued to give her daughter instructions, Brendon decided to perform a little trick. The boy picked up the wooden bowl on front of him, lifted the lid, and he placed a metal rod within one of the holes in the bowl, making it look like a tea cup. Brendon made sure that he had Sarah's full attention as he was preparing. The boy finally placed a piece of thin paper on the edge of the bowl. That was when he was ready. As Sarah was lifting up her teacup for one more sip, she noticed that Brendon was doing the same with his cup. However, Brendon pulled out the piece of paper with his mouth, which made a funny little noise. Suddenly, Sarah bursted out laughing, causing the tea to spill and spread everywhere. Brendon joined in on the laughter, and he felt quite joyous when he saw his friend laugh. He felt that he finally accomplished something. The adults, however, were not so pleased. Sarah's mother quickly attended to cleaning up after her daughter, while Mr. Orzechowski gave his daughter a look as if he had something to say.

"Sarah, come here," the man said.

Brendon quickly put down his little trick, wondering about what was going to happen. Sarah sighed, and she started to walk towards her father, while facing down on the floor. The girl walked past Brendon, giving him a small smile.

"Your dress," Mr. Orzechowski said, "Is this how we taught you to behave."

Brendon looked into Sarah's blue eyes, and he could sense the fear within them. The boy felt sudden guilt for getting his friend into trouble. He had to do something, but what?

"It's my fault, Sir," Brendon admitted. Both Mr. Orzechowski and Mr. Urie turned their heads and looked at the young boy. "I made her laugh."

"Thank you for your honesty," Mr. Orzechowski said as he walked up to Brendon.

Suddenly, the man roughly slapped the young boy. Brendon placed his hand on his cheek as the pain spread all around his face. Sarah lightly jumped, and she gave her father fearful eyes. Brendon rubbed his face, just to get rid of the pain.

"Stay away from my daughter," Sarah's father said firmly.

The man quickly walked towards Sarah, grabbed her by the arm, and dragged her away. Brendon felt really pitiful for his friend as he saw her get pulled away. The boy also felt really guilty for performing the one act that made his friend laugh. However, Brendon didn't understand of why Mr. Orzechowski was so worked up. All the boy did was make his friend laugh. What was wrong with that? What was so troubling about having a good laugh? Brendon was also confused about why his father didn't do anything at all. He just watched his own son get slapped in the face by someone else, and he didn't even stand up to Sarah's father at all. The poor boy looked at his father with a hurt expression, asking him of what just happened.

A/N: Hey, guys! WHOO! It's been a while since the first chapter! Oh my lord! Don't worry, I'll still work on this book. It just takes a while, since I have to rewatch the movie over and over again, until the lines gets ingrained in my brain. Plus the movie script isn't on the internet for some reason, and that really makes things quite difficult for me. Well, luckily I finally handed you guys this chapter.

Also, WHAT IS UP WITH YOU, WATTPAD?!?! YOUR UPDATES CONFUSE ME!!! WHY CAN'T YOU JUST GIVE US AN UPDATE THAT WE ALL WILL BE OKAY WITH?!?! Sure, it's great to support writers, but you are literally just going against the definition of "free books". You know, books you don't have to pay for! That is what a free book is!! What else would it be?!

Sorry, I got a little fired up there. Anyways, MOVING ON TO LE QUESTIONS!! What did you think about Sarah? Comment it down below! What did you think about the parents? Comment it down below!! What do you think about this book so far (even though there is two chapters)? Comment it all down below!

If you liked it, give this chapter a vote and (like I always say) comment down your thoughts! Anyways, thanks for reading and I'll see you guys later. Bye!!

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