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Caroline put on her new ballet shows, and she started to dance around the foyer in her new home. The little girl skipped around on the tippiest of her little toes, leaped higher than a doe, and she twirled around the spacious room. Sarah was walking across the room with a silver tray of tea for herself and Brendon. As she was walking, the woman noticed that her daughter was dancing around.

"What are you doing, Carol?" Sarah asked softly.

"I'm practicing for ballet class," the young girl smiled.

"That's nice. Wanna show me?"

The little girl nodded, and she waited for her mother to take a seat. Sarah placed the silver tray on the table next to her, and she elegantly sat down on the steps of the stairs nearby. Once when Sarah gave all of her attention to her daughter, Caroline started to give out her little performance. As she was twirling and acting like a professional primadona, Sarah found herself to be quite impressed at Caroline's dancing skills. One step after the other, Caroline managed to not miss any. After one delicate twirl, Caroline Urie was done with her little performance. The girl looked at her mother, and flashed a little smile. Sarah started to clap her hands, and show Caroline of how proud she was.

"That was so good, Sweetie," Sarah complimented.

"Thanks, Mom," Caroline smiled warmly.

"I bet you'll do great in ballet class,"

"You really think so, Mommy?"

"Yes. I do,"

Sarah walked towards her daughter and gave her a warm hug and a kiss on the head. The woman then told Caroline to keep on practicing, and she grabbed the tea tray and headed to the living room where her husband was working.

Brendon was sitting in the couch, with a glass of wine in hand, reading the daily newspaper. Typically, there was news about the trains, the factories, and the weather. However, there was also news and gossip about his circus, and it was mainly the reporters talking bad about Brendon and his shows. The paper he was reading contained accusations and theories. Even though the news report was meant to attack him, Brendon couldn't help but laugh at it. He was pretty much laughing at of how stuck-up the reporters were, and he found it amusing that they thought that they were aware of everything that happens behind the curtains.

"Here's your tea, Bren," Sarah said. The woman placed the tray right on front of her husband.

"Thanks, Darlin'" Brendon replied. He quickly gave his wife's a little kiss on the cheek, and he went back into reading the news as he had a cup of his tea.

"So, anything strange happened today?" Sarah asked as she sat down in her seat.

"Nothing much. Just a whole lot of impeachment of the circus,"

"Well that isn't very good. Who keeps on saying horrible things about you?"

"No one, but a man named Gerard Way," Brendon sighed.

He handed the newspaper to Sarah to make sure that she read the name of the reporter on the bottom of the page. Once when she saw the paper, Sarah's eyes started to widen.

"Really? Well, have you talked to him before?"

"Yeah, actually. We met outside of the circus, and it was a pretty interesting conversation,"

Sarah nodded, then she took a little sip of her tea. Brendon continued to read the paper as he drank his tea. Meanwhile, Caroline was still practicing for her ballet class, and Helen was trying to convince her sister to play with her. The little blonde was dressed up in a little ring masters costume, and she was hopping around, pretending to be her father. As Helen was bouncing around, Caroline was looking at her sister with confusion and a little bit of annoyance.

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