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A couple of days later, Brendon and his circus crew finally reached England. The clouds were gray, the buildings were made out of lime and looked appointed. The streets were filled with people, dressed in large coats, and there were also carriages that moved through the well paved, cobbled road. The weather was pretty cold, as well. So cold that everyone had to wear large coats that protected them from the icy air. Sarah felt the need to wear more layers than most. Within the first night of being in England, Ryan managed to rent a little housing for Brendon and his performers, including his family. The place was quite comforting. Everyone had good beds to rest in, the food was pleasant, and even the overall environment was warm.

"You rented this whole place?" Brendon asked.

"Of course I did," Ryan replied, "I thought that we needed to at least feel a little comfort before meeting the Queen, herself."

"Well, I appreciate it, Ryan,"

"It's not a problem at all, Brendon,"

Brendon took a sip from his large, fancy glass. As he was enjoying the alcoholic taste of his beverage, Brendon suddenly had a question in mind. It was more of him worrying than a question, though. He was busy worrying about the Queen and what her thoughts were going to be. He was worried about screwing up on front of her Royal Highness.

"Ryan, may I ask you something?"

"And what would that be?" Ryan replied.

"What if....the Queen doesn't like us?"

"I don't see why she would dislike you guys. She did invite you, after all,"

"Yeah, I know," Brendon sighed, "It's just....sometimes, we aren't what people expect us to be. Sometimes, we are just the face of disappointment."

Ryan walked up close to Brendon and patted him on the back, just for assurance.

"Don't worry, man, everything will work out just fine,"

Brendon turned to Ryan and smiled at the young businessman. The two men clinked their glasses happily, took one last sip, and decided to turn off the lights and get a well-deserved rest.


Within the next morning, Brendon, his family, and the performers all got up from their comfy beds, and headed to the dining hall. There, everyone had their lovely, tasteful breakfast and tea, and after that, they all had to make their way to the Queen's palace. Obviously, everyone travelled by different carriages that the Queen sent out to pick everyone out. Brendon sat in the main carriage with his wife and two daughters. Throughout the ride, Brendon decided to look outside through the window, and not start any conversation with his family. Sarah observed her husband, and she noticed that he was in his deep thinking again.

"Honey, what are you thinking about?" Sarah asked.

"Nothing," Brendon shrugged.

"I know you, Bren. You are always thinking about stuff,"

Before he could answer, Brendon sighed lightly.

"I'm a little worried about how everything is going to go. What if the Queen doesn't like me?"

"Why wouldn't the Queen like you?" Caroline chimed in, "You're amazing, Daddy!"

"Yeah! Ryro says that she'll enjoy our visit," Helen added.

"When did you start calling him 'Ryro'?" Sarah laughed.

"I don't know. He said it was fine, though,"

"Of course, he did," Brendon chuckled.

The family shared a laugh, and Sarah smiled warmly at Brendon.

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