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Brendon was sitting in the empty bar, feeling emotionally drained from his confrontation with Sarah. Sitting in front of him were an empty glass and a bottle of whisky. Patrick was kind enough to let Brendon take the drinks for free, since he understood Brendon's financial situation. As the bartender was serving his guest, the two men started to talk, considering that Brendon was all alone in his head. He was busy thinking about how everything fell into pieces. The fire at the circus, the front page of the newspapers, and the disappointed face Sarah made when she looked at the man she once loved. It was his most unlucky day.

"Are the drinks okay?" Patrick asked.

"They're delightful, Patrick," Brendon replied. He grabbed the whiskey bottle, and he poured it in the empty glass. Brendon then grabbed the drink, and he started to drink some of it down. Patrick observed Brendon's facial expression. His face was less brighter than usual. It was more empty, more depressed, and tired.

"How have you been feeling, since she left you?"

"I wish that it didn't have to be this way," Brendon started. He put down his glass, and held onto it a little tighter. "I promised her everything. I wanted to give her a life as grand as before. Now, I have failed. Her father wasn't so wrong after all. She did grow tired of me."

Brendon finished his whiskey from his glass. He went to grab the bottle, but he noticed that the bottle was empty. Patrick grabbed another bottle of whiskey, and he poured in some of the drink into Brendon's glass. Brendon thanked Patrick, and he took another sip. Patrick also decided to treat himself by pouring himself a drink.

"How about your friends at the circus?," Patrick asked. He then took a sip from his own drink. "How have they been doing since the whole fire incident?"

"To be honest with you, I am not sure," Brendon confessed, "My best guess is that they're disappointed in me for leaving everyone."

"You saved their lives, didn't you?"

"Ryan was the one who did. I was just there to see if everyone was okay,"

"Well, I don't see why they would be mad at you. I mean, they would be if you weren't at the fire at all. But considering that you were, they would've been more glad to see you when they needed it,"

Brendon finished drinking his beverage, and he looked up at Patrick. He smiled at his friend, feeling a little uplifted by his comforting words and company. Patrick smiled back, and he decided to refill Brendon's glass out of kindness.

"Thank you, Patrick," Brendon said, "You're really easy to talk to."

"No problem, Brendon," Patrick replied, "I hope that the future will do good to you."

The two men clinked their glasses together, and drank one last time. Patrick quickly told Brendon that he needed to take his leave to the restroom. Brendon nodded, and he allowed him to go. The showman was then left alone at the bar with his drink in hand. The door suddenly opened, and someone approached the bar counter. Brendon turned around, and he noticed that Jon was the one to enter the building. Brendon didn't expect Jon to confront him, and for some reason, Brendon was a little anxious about it. He wasn't so sure about what Jon was going to say. Especially after everything that happened. Was Jon going to say something nice, or was he going to say something discouraging?

The small man climbed onto the bar, and he walked his way to Brendon's top hat, which was sitting across from Brendon. Jon then sat on top of the hat, and he looked at Brendon, who still looked a little down.

"Figured you'd end up here," Jon said, "Feeling sorry for yourself?"

The door opened, and more people started to come in. Spencer, Mike, and the whole crew were all gathered in the bar. Brendon looked down, and he stared at the glass that was in front of him. He wasn't fully ready to confront his friends. He wasn't so sure why they were here in the first place.

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