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Brendon and Ryan rushed down the stairs to meet up with Mike and Nicole. Everyone around put away all of the props back in the backstage, indicating that the show was over. As Brendon was looking for the two acrobats, Ryan couldn't help but feel a little nervous. He had no clue as to why, but he was a little uneasy about meeting Mike and Nicole, especially Nicole. Something about her just made him feel anxious. It was probably because of how stunning he thought she was. Mike and Nicole were heading backstage, but they were called over by Brendon.

"Mike, Nicole," Brendon called out. Mike and Nicole turned their heads towards Brendon and Ryan, and they immediately walked towards them. "I want you to introduce my newest hire, Mr. Ryan Ross."

Mike looked at the young businessman, and he outwardly reached out for a handshake. The nervous Ryan decided take Mike's hand, whilst trying to keep his heartbeat regular.

"It's a pleasure to meet you," Mike greeted happily.

"Yeah, pleasure," Ryan returned.

After shaking Mike's hand, he then made eye contact with Nicole. Nicole's blonde hair still glistened, even if it was being tied up in one long ponytail. She had a thin black, shiny scarf that was wrapped around her waist. Ryan looked at the scarf, and he noticed of how lovely she looked in her sparkling black one-piece. He also noticed the dazzling charm of a cross that was hanging from her neck.

"And what is your act, Mr. Ross?" Nicole asked.

"I...don't have an act," Ryan replied hesitantly.

Brendon looked at Ryan with a face that signified that he was shocked at the young man's response. Nicole then flashed a cute little smile with her rosy red lips, and Mike smiled gently.

"Everyone's got an act," Nicole reminded.

The woman then walked towards backstage, and Mike followed, leaving Ryan feeling quite dumbfounded. He even felt his cheeks redden up a little bit. Brendon noticed of how shocked Ryan seemed to be. The man smirked, and he patted his friend on the back, causing Ryan to jump a little bit. Ryan slowly rubbed his back with his hand, and he noticed that Brendon was lightly laughing at Ryan.

"Oh, what are you laughing at?" Ryan asked.

"Nothing," Brendon replied, "I just noticed that you looked a little nervous when you met Mike and Nicole."

"You know, not all businessmen are the extroverted type. Some even call themselves a total hermit,"

"Don't worry, pal. It's totally okay to be stunned by a woman every once in a while. Also, not to mention that you were blushing,"

Ryan scoffed at Brendon's comment, and a laughing Brendon patted his friend's back once more. Ryan then took a moment to also join Brendon's laughing because he felt that he didn't need to be super stuck up about being stunned. Like Brendon said, it's totally okay to be stunned by a woman every once in a while.

Later that night, Brendon told everyone in the circus that it was already time to head off to bed. Ryan looked around, and he noticed that all of the circus performers went to their quarters within the building, which indicated to him that everyone lived in the circus. The businessman didn't really expect the circus to be a home for the performers. He thought that it was just a place for them to work, and they had separate homes. Ryan then realized of how much respect he had for Brendon. He respected him because of how welcoming he could be. Sure, he thought that Brendon was eccentric and crazy for putting out shows for little kids, but Ryan appreciated the hospitality.

Brendon walked past Ryan with his top hat in hand, along with his stick cane. Ryan followed the man, and he decided to converse with him for a little bit as they walked through the door.

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