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Brendon has been sitting at his seat in the office. The man had been waiting patiently to talk to his boss. He wanted to talk to him about the many ideas that he had, and see if his boss could help out with it. Brendon wanted to make something that was big, something great, something strange. Brendon held onto his piece of paper tight, and he almost tears the corners of the papers. The man's legs was moving rapidly, and he constantly played with the chain of his pocket watch. Brendon waited and waited, until he finally was called up by his boss.

"Mr. Howell?" Brendon said.

"Yes, Brendon, what was it that you needed?" Mr. Howell asked.

"Have a look at this, here,"

"Yes, yes, I see it,"

Brendon handed his boss the piece of paper. Mr. Howell grabbed it, and he looked at it. The man's eyebrows raised, and he gave Brendon a look. It was the look of confusion, along with disbelief. Brendon knew that Mr. Howell didn't quite understand of what Brendon was proposing exactly. As he was looking at the paper, Mr. Howell was also talking with his other employees as they asked him if whatever they were doing had any sort of approval for him. Brendon patiently waited as he saw Mr. Howell skim through whatever was on the piece of paper.

"Sir. Brendon Boyd Urie," Mr. Howell started.

"If I may, Sir," Brendon interrupted. Mr. Howell started to walk away, and Brendon followed him around, trying to tell his boss of what he was proposing. "I believe I have skills and ideas that go well beyond counting numbers into an adding machine. I have read about this German fellow, Lilienthal...I believe he's developed a glider that could take a man in the air, sir. Isn't that amazing?"

Mr. Howell turned around, and he annoyingly looked at an ecstatic Brendon. The man looked down, and he took a large sigh. Meanwhile, Brendon continued to talk, even though he knew that his boss may be uninterested.

"I mean, if you were to apply that to this business," Brendon continued, "It would be revolutionary."

"Gentlemen, can I have your attention," Mr. Howell called out. Every man in the room turned their heads and looked at their boss. "You are all dismissed."

All of the working employees stood up from their seats, packed up their bags, and they all left the room. Brendon looked everywhere with confusion, and he wondered of why Mr. Howell dismissed his employees so early. The man then turned to Mr. Howell, and he noticed of how stressed his boss looked. Mr. Howell rubbed his forehead with his finger, and he folded the piece of paper that Brendon handed him.

"Bankrupt?" Brendon asked. Mr. Howell didn't return a response, which indicated to Brendon that the business was most likely bankrupt. Brendon didn't quite understand of why the business was going bankrupt. It practically was the most working company in the entire city, so why was it going down? "I thought the company had a dozen trading ships."

"Yes, at the bottom of the South China Seas," Mr. Howell sighed as he slapped the folded piece of paper onto Brendon's chest. Brendon's hands placed onto the paper as his boss walked away feeling a little grumpy. "A typhoon sank them all."

Brendon was then left alone in the empty office, and he was left with the feeling of disappointment and curiosity. He was disappointed because Mr. Howell wouldn't take the opportunities that he was giving, but he was also curious at what he could do next to earn his money. Perhaps he could start a business of his own. However, that didn't matter to him at the moment, mainly because he had a place to go to.


It was late at night, and Brendon slowly walked up the stairs that led to the roof of his apartment. As he walked up the stairs, Brendon heard his two daughters giggling and Sarah chuckling. Brendon smiled as he heard his wife's chuckle. It sounded so angelic, so soft, and it even made him feel light and free. Brendon finally reached to the rooftop, and he saw Sarah doing the laundry, and he noticed two younger girls and Sarah play together. The two younger girls ran around, playing warriors while Sarah played villain. Sarah dramatically sat on the ground, and one of the girls pretended to shoot an arrow at Sarah. The woman placed her hand on her breast, and faked a gasp, and both of her daughters giggled and continued to run around. Sarah stood up, and she noticed that Brendon finally arrived home. The woman walked over to her husband, and she started to finish doing to laundry.

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