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Hai friends hope u r fine.

Note : This story characters and places and names are purely my imagination. I don't have any intention to hurt any one.

  Here the chapter

In the morning the sun rays falls on her face and her sleep got distrubed but she turn's other side and sleep's

In the morning the sun rays falls on her face and her sleep got distrubed but she turn's other side and sleep's

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but with a sudden jerk she wakeup from her sleep And saw the time.

Ra: Ammaa (mother)....... god I'm late today.

She got up from bed and go's to washroom from her daily routine. exactly after 30 mins she get ready for go to office and went to down meet her parents.

In the hall devaraju is reading news paper while lakshmi is in the kitchen papairing breakfast for them

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In the hall devaraju is reading news paper while lakshmi is in the kitchen papairing breakfast for them. Rajini went to near her father

Ra: Good morning Nanna (father)

Devaraju Smiled at his daughter.

De: Good moring dear you're late today. is everything alright u look too tired and weak.

He asked his daughter with a concern voice rajini smiled at her father and said to him

Ra: Nanna.. nanna..i am fine. I am late beacuse of my lovely mother.

De: Why? What she done?

Just than lakshmi entered in hall and said because i changed the alarm clock

Ra: amma how many times i have  told you don't change the alarm. u know na that if u change the alarm i will be late for the office

La: i know.that's why i changed it.

Ra: But why amma

La: Why Since last week you're comeing home Late midnight and leaving early morning. Look at your self nani how u looking.. tired and weak.

Ra: Amma i had a lot of work to do and i have to finish that. That's why am i beeing late.

La: But today is sunday nani ( nani is common nick name to call our loved one's )

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