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Hai friends hope u r fine.

Note : This story characters and places and names are purely my imagination. I don't have any intention to hurt any one.

  Here the chapter

Rajini entered Cm house but no one has there in hall she saw here and there but no use ofcourse why would be someone present here When he is living alone. she about to go garden. she heard footsteps and saw the direction and there he is

             MR. Mahadev rajan

The young and handsome chief minister of the state

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The young and handsome chief minister of the state. He came near rajini with a smile on his face

Ma: wow... wow... what a wonder..hmm.... i think today sun wakeup wrong side

She gave him a confused look

Ma:  because if he wake up correct side the great and beautiful collecter Rajini devaraju garu won't come to see me

With that rajini understood that he is teasing her. she smile's in inside her heart  but she cover that with a  smirk on her face and answer's him

Ra:  ohh so Mr. Cm sir is worried about one colleter visit why......  he have a girlfriend   inside his house or what...

He smile's at her comment

Ma: well...... not yet but i'm  trying to impress her from college days but...no use.. Would u like to hear my love story.

Ra: sorry sir but i not intended. i'm here to submit this project files not to hear your love story.

with a fake sad voice he said

Ma:  oh my moonlight not interest on me howw... sad....poor..... me....hmm.... it's my fate.. what to do.

he know that now she can't tolerate and it's work 

Ra: Rajan.....stop.... i know you more than your self. so stop showing me your acting skills. Mr. Drama queen

saying this she playfully hit him on his shoulder and went to sit on sofa but he hold her and pulls her with that she landed on his chest. She started at him and he just smlie's at her and slowly caressing her back and says

Ma:  what to do moonlight i have todo this because you always calling me Cm...sir...Cm....sri.. which i don't like it....

Ra: but....
Placing his finger at her lips  and with a low voice

Ma: shhhhh........yeah i know... i... know  you can't call me with my name always but at least use my name when we two are alone but you always behaves like u don't know me. don't forgot that we are friends from college days and.......

Ra: and.....
Ma:  and...... you don't know  what we are...

she know what's that gap mean but she want to hear from him and asked him again.

Ra:  no i don't know...

Ma:  that..... we....we.. are soulmates

saying this he kissed on her forehead. she closed her eyes feeling that kiss. They stays like that but rajini phone ring got  them back to reality.  They parted and smiles each other rajini lift the call.

Ra: hello amma wh....

Lakshmi didn't give her chance to talk.

la: nani did you have your lunch..... don't involve too much on work nani eat something morning als.......

Before she complete her sentence rajini interrupt her mother

Ra: amma.. i done with my work and i came to meet Mahadev.

La: mahee... how is he? he is fine na?  When did you go there? You must.....

Ra:  amma..... ammma... relax tack a break  how many questions at time. pls give me time to answer you.

La: ok now tell me why you didn't told me that your going to meet mahadev i'm also company you to meet him na

Eyeing rajan she says to her amma

Ra:  sorry but i came here to give him some important files not to time pass understand

La:  nuvvu maravu... You will not change.

Ra: okay..talk with him

Saying this she passed phone to rajan

Ma: hello amma how are u

La: you forget your amma i won't talk to you

Rajan lightly  smile at and says

Ma:  amma how can i forgot you. you know na i love u so much.

La:  than why didn't you come home to see me? you don't had a time to meet your amma. I'm angry on you

Ra:  sorry amma.... sorry..  i'm very sorry pls fogive this poor soul pls.... ma bujji amma vu kaduu.. pls...

La: ok this time i'm forgives you but promise me that next you are comeing home to meet me okay.

Ma: ok  i will definitely come to meet you next week pakka, promise.

La: ok than bye. don't work too much like your workaholic betteroff you she didn't eat anything from morning pls tell her eat on time and tack care of your self ok.

Ma: ok bye amma

Saying this he cut the call and turn towards rajini side ask her in serious voice

Ma:  why didn't you eat anything until now?

Ra: that..... that...

Ma: what.. what was that... hmmm..  how many times i have told you to eat on correct but you always  behind your work .........

Ra:  oh pls rajan you also started like amma.

Ma: but.....

Ra: ok i'm sorry next time i won't repeat this ok but now I wanted to eat with you.

she said to him making a cute face. He that  she is trying to convince him and he want to scold her to neglect her health but now he can't do that because of her cute puppy face which melted his heart

Ma: ok but don't repeat this okay na?

She smile and nod her like a kid. Seeing her like that he also smile at her and went to dining area to have lunch together.
after lunch they spent some quality time  together and discussed some professional issues. Evening she go to home.

How is the surprise

Actually in this story hero is just for namesake  because this story revolves around the two sisters that's why I don't want to introduce hero but some of my friends asked me to introduce hero so i don't want to disappoint them because of that i introduced prabhas as Rajan i mean C.M. Mahadev. yeah rajini and rajan characters are in love and they stay together till the story end but in future updates rajan character is won't had much signify. So don't expect his heroic scenes or his point of view's hope you all understand my point. Thank you.

And how was the update it's good or bad? you all like it or not? 

  If u find any errors pls don't mind

Next update the you are all going to meet the tiger i mean Rudraksha

Dedicated to Harshimusle22 
I love your story  The friendzoned husband

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