Chapter 18

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I blinked hard, taking in a deep breath. "Maria," I said, turning to Xavier "I killed Maria." I dropped Drake and turned to Xaiver as he hit the floor.

Xavier stepped over the young boy's body. He places a hand on my shoulder "No, you used your power, your gift on Maria. Try to remember." I closed my eyes, trying. "Humanity, you gave her life." Xavier said, wrapping his arms around me.

I could see it then, the memory:

--------------------------------------------------------- (FlashBack) --------------------------

 "Clara!" Maria Called, her black hair waving behind her like a trail of ash. It was a moment later that I realized that was ash. She was screaming in pain, something not common for vampires. As she ran I could hear others coming, not far behind. Her left arm was cracked, it was obviously torn off and just beginning to heal.

We were all heading back from a hunt, and were just outside the base of the army. Those in charge of the army, which included Xavier, Garth, and myself had began the hunt just a few moments before Maria was to join us. The rest of the army was suppose to stay put. "What is it Maria?" Garth said, he was a man of few words, the perfect gentle giant. I quickly recalled the moment I'd first met Garth, and he seemed so frightening.

Garth was the 'medic' of sorts. He went in to retrieve vampires from the battle zone that were still capable of healing from their injuries -unless, of course they had finished their newborn stage- he controlled a small group of other vampires like himself. That meaning those that were not brave or willing to commit to the fight, but still useful in the army.

"Uprising," Maria said,choking on tears that would never come. This was the first, and last time I'd see Maria in such a way. She was terrified. I grabbed her hand and noticed it was healing, but very slowly for a vampire "they burned me." she announced "We must run, now!" she said, commanding us, and pushing us along.

We ran, but it became apparent that the newborns were catching up. "How did this happen?" Xavier demanded, pausing for a moment to look behind us once again.

"It's a small group of them; I believe they've found out what will happen when their time as newborns is done." Maria said, covering her face with her hand and again crying invisible tears. "I don't know what to do, I thought this would never happen."

"Who's leading them?" Garth asked. We were nearing a town, eventually we'd need to slow down. This was what they wanted though, since almost no one in the army had been to any highly populated area. victims to feed on were brought to them, who knew the havoc they would cause if they were unleashed into a crowd.

"It's Jasper, it has to be. He disappeared weeks ago, and now this happened!" Maria screamed, although she was never truly in love with my brother it was clear she felt betrayed.

"No! It couldn't have been him. I know my brother, if he's gone... he's gone." Although this was directed to sway the others from believing Jasper could do such a thing, it also reminded me that he really wasn't coming back. 

"We can't keep runnin'. Now we must act." Garth said, freezing in his spot "I will Help. I can slow them down." He turned and began to run towards the small hoard now visible in the distance.

"Garth no!" I called out to him, he looked over his shoulder once, before being engulfed in the group. "We have to go back." I begged, beginning to turn.

"No, it's to late for him. We must go!" Xavier commanded. He grasped the long sleeve of my gown, spinning me to face him. I never had enjoyed the dress of the time, and the fact that it was awful in a fight just made me loath it more. I turned and hissed at him before tearing out of his grip. He spun me to face him, I could see he was trying to keep a cool head, but failing, I could see the fear in his eyes. Not fear of his own death, but fear of mine.

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