Chapter 4: Elijah?

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Elijah's POV: 

I woke up one morning with a weird feeling.

 'huh..that's weird..'  I thought to myself as I sat up and heard my roommates arguing downstairs.

I sighed and got up, picking up my glasses and slipping them on. As I walked downstairs I called 

"why are you two yelling for this time?" 

"Cause he's being annoying!" May snarled and glared at our roommate.

"What?!" He shrieked angrily "are you-" I quickly cut him off "You two hush." 

They both glared at me as I brushed past them to make myself some coffee.

As I turned on the coffee maker and went to grab myself a mug as I looked at the two with a smile 

"Don't look at me-" I cut myself off as pain shot through my skull and I collapsed onto my knees with a cry of pain.

"Elijah!" May shrieked and rushes over to me as I crouched on the floor, holding my head "Elijah speak to me! What's wrong?!"

I couldn't heard her, it was like my ears where full of cotton as I faded in and out of consciousness

As I curled up into a tight ball on the floor I gasped "S-Something's w-wrong-" 

I stopped myself when I Suddenly heard a faint chuckle and May yelling my name  as the world around me went black. 


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