Chapter 13: Isaiah?

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Isaiah's Pov:

I woke up slowly, groaning softly as I blinked opened my eyes. I froze as a familiar pair of eyes met mine.

"Isaiah? Are you okay?" Xan asked worriedly, his clear blue eyes reminding me of diamonds sparkling in the light.

I was trembling and breathing heavily, curled up against him as his arms held me close to his chest. 

I could feel the hard lines of his chest from underneath his thin shirt.

"U-um- I-I'm-" I stuttered, blushing furiously. "I-I'm o-okay-" 

He relaxed from his tense state and nodded, smiling softly.

 "That's good..I was afraid that you where gonna hurt yourself.."

This made me blush even more and I smiled, feeling my heart melt. I think he felt the same way because I saw something in his gaze relax.

He watched me slightly before pulling away slightly so I could pull away if I wanted. 

But, for some reason I didn't.. I couldn't understand why my body wouldn't move and I surprised myself as I snuggled up against him.

He looked at me in surprise and hugged me close, making me smile brightly and curl up further into his warmth 

I saw him grin softly and lifted my chin, The next thing I knew...

He was kissing me.

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