Chapter 9 -Old memories

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Elijah's Pov:

May and I where looking through a box that I kept from the fire, the old memories running through my mind like old friends. 

"It feels so fresh..." I mumbled to myself and felt May rubbing my shoulder sympathetically. "I know you miss them..."


Elijah was sleeping soundly in his bedroom, his snoring echoing around the almost empty room.

He woke up by the smell of smoke and sat up sharply, looking around the smoky room before grabbing his glasses. "Mom? Dad?"  He called, his fear spiking as he coughed. 

"MOM?! DAD?!" He yelled, feeling his chest tighten as he started panicking .

he ran to the door, collapsing to his knees and coughing, the smoke tearing at his lungs as he wheezed.

He put another shirt on his hand and opened the door to prevent burns, running out of his room as he made his way outside to the large oak that sat in the front yard.

He eventually made it outside, turning around to look at his childhood home as it burned to the ground.

 "M-MOM?" He wailed, sobbing as he screamed. "DAD?!" 

He looked around as he heard sirens cutting through the cold dark. Elijah froze as he met someone's gaze.

They where familiar, the Bright blue and brown irises met his bright blue and he could've sworn they'd flashed with pain and grief before disappearing in the blink on an eye.

-Present day-

Elijah's Pov:

I didn't even realize I was crying until May hugged me tightly, rubbing my back as I trembled with broken sobs.

"Shh...Elijah, it's okay..just breathe.." she whispered as I clung to her, sobbing into her shoulder. 

She kept trying to soothe me as our roommate ran in, panting as if he'd ran miles.

"Elijah? There's someone here to see you.."

The tale of two brothersTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon