Chapter 14: Is this Love?

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Isaiah's Pov:

It wasn't Rough like I thought I would be, it was a soft kiss, gentle and loving as he pulled me close to his chest. 

My eyes widened slightly in surprise and I kissed back, my eyes slipping closed as I wrapped my arms around his neck. 

I felt his hands find my waist and I pulled away, panting slightly and I stared at him "w-what was that for?" I whispered and he smiled. 

"Because I Love you..." he said softly and we were kissing again, pressed against each other in a Embrace that I had never experienced before.

We quickly pulled away as the door sprang open and Gaurds poured into the room.

Xan hugged me protectively and I cried as they roughly pulled me away from him, throwing me to the ground and grabbing him by the arms.

I watched him struggle against them and I felt tears start to form in my eyes 

 "XAN! LEAVE HIM ALONE!" I wailed as they dragged him out after injecting him with a needle.

I met Charlie's gaze, that was burning with hurt and anger.

I watched the door snap shut and I let out another wail.

He was gone, the only one person that loved me, was gone.

And they're  gonna pay for it.

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