Chapter 5- Hello?

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??? Pov:

As the shadows crept up on the two brothers, Isaiah couldn't help but smile. He knew that his brother, wherever he was, felt the same pain he did. Every. Single. Time. And for some reason, it filled him with a strange sense of calm.

Isaiah's Pov:

"I-IM SORRY! I DIDNT MEAN TO- PLEASE!" I screeched, sobbing as I tried to fight the medics strapping me to a chair. 

"Sorry bud. You promised you wouldn't hurt one of the staff or the patients again. Not after last time." One of the medics looked at me sympathetically, his gruff voice soft.

"P-PLEASE! CHARLIE! CHARLIE PLEASE!" My screams echoed through the lab and my 'Friend' flinched "I-I'm sorry Isaiah." He said quietly and avoided my gaze as they stuck tazers to my bare skin.

I was trembling as he lightly traced one of the jagged scars along my left arm, staring at all of the scars that glowed weakly In the dim light as I struggled. 

They where large, ugly jagged scars that ran  along my chest, arms and back. Fond Memories of the years of torture that they've put me through, Great right? 

He stepped back and the shut the glass door, turning on the machine. I sobbed and coughed, tortured screams ripping through my throat until I was hoarse. "PLEASE! S-STOP!"

Elijah's Pov:

I could hear Isaiah's screams echoing through my mind as I sat up, panting. "He's awake!" I heard May's voice, but it sounded slightly far off and my vision swam in and out.

 I felt my stomach heave and I darted to the bathroom, dizziness taking over as I painfully heaved into the toilet.

"Elijah?" Her soft Norwegian accent came from the doorway of the bathroom as she walked over, crouching down beside me as she rubbed my back. 

Once the nausea had passed I leaned back against her, panting heavily "W-What happened?" I asked, my voice weak from puking.

"I don't know! You started yelling about something and then you passed out! We where able to get you to your room before you woke up..." she frowned and Her next question made me tense.

"Elijah, who is Isaiah?"

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