Chapter 26: Laughter

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Isaiah's Pov:

I felt Elijah's chuckle rattle through his chest and I looked up, seeing a young male close to Elijah's age. His hair was a dark brown and his eyes where a startling Sea- Blue color. (I hope I got that right- If I didn't then Sorry Ender-) 

"Um, yeah, this is my Twin brother..Isaiah.." Elijah muttered and I flinched at the male's next sentence.

"So you're the one to tried to kill him. Good to know." He offered a thin smile and I couldn't help myself as I answered in a quiet voice. 

"The one and only." I looked up at him and was fairly surprised when his face split into a small grin.

"Well, I'm Jake. Nice to meet you.." he held out his hand, which I shook hesitantly, and he Nodded to May.

"Xan has been asking to talk to you, May.." Jake spoke, his voice seeming to soften with a small bit of emotion.

I glanced over at her as she stood, nodding. She wears the feeling of abuse.

I could tell by the way she stood, her body language around certain females, as if she was scared..No, Not scared.

She was terrified. She was terrified that they might leap at her when she wasn't prepared. When she was least expecting it, they would pelt her with insults and pain.

And it would just make her worse. 

And then I realized, she's kinda like me.

Elijah's Pov:

I watched May walk out and muttered a soft "Bye Elijah.." over her shoulder as Jake nodded to me and followed her out.

They had left me alone with my brother.

I fought the feeling of panic and trampled the thoughts seeping out from the back of my mind.

I hadn't noticed Isaiah staring at May as if he'd finally found a friend.

His gaze was on me, and I stared at the wall, hugging him closer.

I felt him relaxing even more and pressed himself into my side, careful not to hurt me again.

"Elijah?" I felt my breath catch in my throat.

"Y-Yes?" I Breathed and I felt my blood run cold at his next statement 

"Why did you let them send me away?" 

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