Chapter 17- Escape plan

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Isaiah's POV: 

I was carefully unlocking the Cuffs that where holding Xan up, gentle not to hurt him as I eased him to the floor.

I grunted with the effort of his weight and eventually made it over to the door, opening it silently and looking around warily.

Xan stirred in my grip and groaned, making me panic slightly and look down at him "Shh Love- It's okay-" i whispered and he relaxed letting me carry him easily.

I darted down the hallways, listening to the sudden blaring of escape bells and a robotic voice calling out something about a break out. 

Xan groaned again and I glanced down at him before glancing behind me. There where Soldiers and nurses everywhere, we where trapped.

I panted heavily, starting to panick as the guards got closer.

I inhaled sharply and turned on my heel, squeezing my eyes shut and hugging Xan tightly. 

Xan's POV:

I felt myself sinking into consciousness and I groaned at the throbbing pain in my body as I heard Isaiah's frantic panting and Heavy footsteps.

I could heard Isaiah's rapid heartbeat quicken as he inhaled sharply and turned on his heel, his grip on me tightened. 

Suddenly there was silence and I blinked open my eyes weakly. We were  in a field, laying in the soft green grass and the sweet smell of flowers wove around us. 

We had escaped.

We were free.

The tale of two brothersDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora