Chapter 10

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Chanyeol's POV

I stood warily at the bathroom door. "Kim JongIn please give back my phone," he laughed at my call. "Not until I'm done reading promise!" he yelled back at me. Just then I thought of the one person he couldn't disobey. Suho. He was our leader and the Momma of the group, and JongIn being the youngest he had no choice but to listen. Smirking to myself, said lightly, "I'm just gonna go get Suho," then the door burst open. "Please do not tell on me ara. Here just take it," he shoved the device at me and ran towards his room.  Successfully gaining back my phone i stalked to the kitchen for food. Look at you Yoda, always eating tsk. Shut it author-nim, a guy's gotta eat. Even though it was nearly time for lunch I grabbed a bowl of cereal and sat on the couch.

Chanyeol Impersonator: sorry about that. some runt decided to steal my phone

BBaekhyun: by 'little runt' i guess you mean Kai? lmao

It obvious to everyone that Kai was like a sneaky fox. He'd take your stuff the minute you set it down.

Chanyeol Impersonator: i wanted to ask if  you and your friends would like to meet up sometime? if  you aren't busy or smth like that

I waited anxiously for his answer. When he did, I was surprised at what he said.

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