Chapter 20

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Chanyeol's POV

They didn't waste any time getting me inside and setting everything else. It had been an hour and I was starting to fall asleep. The one thing that woke me up, was the one voice I loved to hear. It dripped like honey and almost sounded angelic. But the cruel reality of what I had to do to him was enough to make my eyes well up with tears. My bandmates rushed in with him and stood in front of me.

" Chanyeol! Chanyeol, are you okay?" I nodded at Kai and laid back. Suho came and stood right next to me and waved his hand in front of my face. " How many fingers am I holding up?" "Come on Suho. Quit playing I can see just fine." They laughed a little, then I stopped. A tiny tear slipped down his face and he quickly wiped it away before he spoke. " Chan, I'm so glad you're okay," he said in a small voice, then he leaned down to hug me. I let him, then braved myself for what had to be done. I gave a small smile and asked, " I'm sorry. But do I know you?" The look of hurt on his face flashed and turned into a smile and the smallest fragment of a laugh before he spoke to me again. " What do you mean? It's me Baekhyun. You know. Puppy face, you know me." I sadly shook my head and two tears slipped this time. I was turned a bit harshly and Kai was staring right into my eyes. It as almost as if he was asking me to lie to him. " Chanyeol. You know who we are right," he motioned to the others and I said their names, Then I pointed to Baekhyun and his friends, " I just don't know them . At all," Baekhyun's scattered points of tears turned into ongoing sobs that seemed to rack his body inside and out. He shook violently and collapsed on the floor balling his eyes out. The scene was just too much to bear, so I turned my head. His friends clung to him and rocked him as he screamed. Every promise I ever made to him, was now flying out of his mouth. Everything hurt so much to the point that I was nearly in tears, my eyes watering once again.

" Chanyeol! Why are you doing this? It's not funny. You swore to never leave me. To live life with me. What happened to that!"

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