Chapter 21

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Suho's POV

I don't know what it is, but something didn't feel right. I mean, come on. Chanyeol suddenly ends up in the hospital, and forgets Baekhyun? I started to question this whole situation. The thing that proved my concerns, was the tremor in his voice as he spoke to Baekhyun. I saw how he teared up when Baek had burst into tears. I myself was starting to feel for the small boy. Thinking to myself, why does this have to happen to him. I know what happened before and I know the warning he was given if this continued to happen. I just don't get how this solves anything . If this is real.
I sat thinking for a while. I had the rest go home after I walked them out the parking lot. I made my way back into the building, and spotted Chanyeol's doctor. I walked right in his direction and stopped in his path. " Sillyehabnida? You are Park Chanyeol's doctor right," he gave me a nod and I continued. " Can you tell me what happend to him? How he got here?" After I asked the question, he shifted and fixed his glasses that sat on his plump face. " W-well, Mr. Park was in a car crash this afternoon." " Are there any pictures of the crash? Of his injuries?" When he began to fidget with the folder in his hand, I sighed and walked to Chanyeol's room.
I sat next to his bed as his head was tilted back, a stray tear ran down his face. " Chanyeol, what's going on?" His head turned towards me and he wiped away the stain on his cheek. " H-hey Suho. What do you mean?" "I know you're lying about this whole thing." He only shook his trying to deny. " I don't know what you're talking about." I was getting a bit frustrated with him now. Why won't he just fess up already?! " You saw the way he cried. Saw how broken he was. How he cried for you. I saw the tears that fell down as you watched, the pain is so easy to see. So stop lying to me because I know what's going on. And this sick act needs to stop. Now!"

Chanyeol's POV

As I sat upright on the bed, I dropped my head into my hands and cried. Suho was right, it's my fault Baekhyun is like this now. " Suho. What was I supposed to do. It's  my own fault I wasn't careful. I was given a chance to be with him then completely blew it. I just wish I could hold him and tell him that everything is okay. It's just a bad dream." Suho hugged my shaking frame and sobs racked through my body causing me to shake violently. " Listen to me. I won't say anything, but if you want to fix this then you need to tell him. Not just Baekhyun but the company and world as well. If they don't accept it so what, they should go get a life and stop hating on others." I only nodded and he backed as I laid down again and turned so I faced the window. " I have to go now but I'll come back tomorrow with Baekhyun. Goodnight Chanyeol," I mumbled a small 'goodbye' and closed my eyes to sleep.

556 words

A/N sorry for the short chapters but I think this book will end soon I didn't even think that it was good in the first place. Anyway I hope you enjoyed while it lasted and please enjoy my other books!
Total amount of words: 604

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