chapter 22

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Days passed and my bruise on my wrist faded away.  Shannon and I were tight as ever. Jared matter to me .... or so that's what I told Shannon .  Kim was ready to leave NY once again to come with me on a trip to the Caribbean.  A week just her and I.  K" its gonna be so warm I can't wait".  My phone lit up and I seen it was Shannon.  Me" hello my love ".  S" I love you ".   Me" do you now? Well I love you too ". S" when do you leave? ".   I closed my eyes and could feel hope much he was gonna miss me.   Me" tomorrow".  S" your gonna be missed bad...... how am I gonna sleep without feeling your body next to mine".  Me" I will be home soon babe ".   S" I have a surprise for you before you leave ".   Me" really? Whats that? ".    S" you will see ".  Me" auh I love you ".   S" see you later babe".   We hung up I went shopping for something sexy to wear for our last night together.   I came home later and I walked in the front door to a dark house.   I was curious what was going on.  I looked over and a note on the table caught my eye.  " follow the roses upstairs".  Oh my baby wants to have sex tonight!  I walked upstairs and opened the bedroom door.   There on the bed was my surprise.  S" hello there ".   He made me smile and I made my way to him. He was in black was in boxers and  his chest was calling my name.   He got up and came over to me and kissed me and led me to the bathroom and closed my eyes. Me" what are you up to? ".    He kissed my neck and said " this! ".  He moved his hands and I felt my heart fly into pure bliss.   A bath filled with lilac. blossoms and pink rose petals littered the water.   Candles lit around the rims and a small box on the edge.    S" open it its yours ". I walked over to pick it up and opened it. A beautiful purple and diamond necklace was wrapped inside.   I put it on and he came up behind me and helped me.  His fingers danced on my neck.  Me" I love it, its beautiful! ".    He wrapped his arms around me and I kissed them.  S" climb in this is for you ".   I stripped down and got in and laid back against it.  He sat on the edge and I kissed his arms and up to his lips.   He stood up and climbed in with me.   He wrapped his arms around my body and said" I'm happy your here with me ".  Suddenly I felt sick like I needed a fix I had hid them from Shannon. A dirty secret , I got my herion fix from Jared still.    I still fiend for it.    I got out of the bath and told him I would be back in a sec.  I went into my drawer and loaded up a shot and injected it.  mm mm fuck that's good shit!  S" what the hell are you doing?".   Me" nothing..... I...".  I tried to get rid of it I couldn't move fast enough.   He grabbed it and threw it away.  Me" fuck I wasn't done with it ".   I laid on the floor and looked at him.   S" look at you!  you told me you didn't do this shit no more! ".    Me " I lied!  So fucking what? ".    I closed my eyes and could feel evil fucked up thoughts run through my head.  Me" I love Jared I love how he fucks me and how hr makes me beg to cum ".  S" stop..... just stop! ".   I gave him am evil smile. Me " you fuckin jealous his cock satisfies me and yours doesn't? Hmm?".   He came over and pinned me down.  S" this isn't you Julie its the drugs ".  I licked my lips and said " oh no Shannon,  this is how I really fuckin feel you pussy ass bitch!".   S" you want me to leave you so you can be with jared? ".  Me" yea..... go ahead and leave because you don't love me anyways ".   He became upset and angry all at once.  S" stop! ".  Me " what's the matter, you don't like when I tell you the truth?  Why don't you call Kim, I bet thats the girl for you right there maybe you two could get married ".  He came closer to my face.  S" I'm gonna leave and when I come back you will be sober off this shit so we can talk again " He got up and I became enraged.  Me" fuck you! Don't come back!  I fuckin hate you!  I should've stayed with Jared! ".   He didn't respond, instead he walked out the Dior leaving me alone in a binge rage of rather and anger. I grabbed whatever I could and threw breaking things that I would never be able to replace again. My mind was in a haze of drug induced concussion. I called up Jared and a girl answered the phone.  It was Kim. My best friend was with him and I had no idea why. Me" but.....he loves me? ".  K" bitch please, where do you think he gets the drugs from...... oh yea, from me ". Kim was his dealer. My dealer.  I had no idea. Me" are u fuckin him too? ". I started to shake and feel reality slap me in the face again.  K" everyday, all day..... why do you think he kicks your ass out? CuZ queen bitch is coming home that's why " And she hung up. I laid their speechless and didn't know if or when Shannon would be home.  I crawled over and yanked off a blanket and laid on the cold floor. Awhile later as I was fast asleep my high had worn off I felt like I wanted to throw up.  The front door opened and Shannon came back upstairs.  I threw up all over and felt like I couldn't stop.  S" oh shit! ".  He picked me up and carried my weak body over to the toilet.  He turned my head over and held back my hair.  S" your gonna be ok ".  I held tight on his arms and it all came up fast . Finally after minutes of emptying my body liquid total, I fell into his body limp, tired and broken inside.  He caressed my forehead and held me against his chest. Me" I'm a fuckin wreck ".  S" your gonna be ok babe ".  He lifted off my clothes and laid me down on the towel on the floor.  I could hear water running and he reached down and lifted me into the water.  I could feel the warmth and the soap bubbles. He held my back against his chest. I lad my head back to look in his eyes.   Me" you always come at the right time to save me babe". S" you will stop this shit!  I'm tired of you trying to hurt yourself..... and me".  I reached with all my strength around his neck and wanted to kiss him, but he stopped me and said with a huge smile. S" after you brush your teeth k". I laughed and kissed his chin instead. 

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