chapter 25

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The room was half full with strangers whom had the same issues I had. Jared grabbed some tea and sat down beside me.  J" so, after this how about we go for a drive?".   Me" Jared,  I need to go home Shannon's already pissed at me for being with you so I'm not trying to push it ".   J" I don't know why you let him control your life ".  Me" he doesn't so ".  J" yea that's  why he's making you run home to him and doesn't even care what you wanna do ? Yea sure that's not being controlling! ".   Me" I'm.....".   The counselor came in the room and said hello and started the meeting.  " welcome everyone!  Let's start by introducing yourself ". Everyone took turn and mine was next. I felt my palms sweat and my heart race.  I stood up and said " I'm Julie an I'm a addict ".   Everyone welcomed me and said hello.  Me" I'm addicted or was to herion and meth ".   Guy "  your still using?".   Me" yes..... well not as  much ".   J" we both are still using but not as often ".  Me" I don't need you to speak for me ".   J" I'm just trying to help ".  The meeting went on and I didn't say anything else.    Break time.   I grabbed some coffee and felt a hand in my waist .I flinched thinking it was Jared and when I looked I was met with a pair of beautiful hazel eyes.    Me" hey.... what are you...... ". He pulled me in for a deep kiss and held me close.  S" I'm sorry about earlier, I wanted to he here to support you".   I held his face and said " thank you..... I'm sorry too ". He kissed my cheek and said" I love you angel,  I will be here for you no matter what ".  Me" this is why I love you so much ".   We got seated and it finished up an hour later.    J" you guys going out to eat? ".     S" nope..... I kinda wanna spend time with her before we leave on the road again ".   I looked up to him and was confused.    Me" your leaving? ".   He touched my face and said" yea.....  I told you we are going out on the road soon ". Me" I didn't think right now ".   S" I'm sorry ".  I kissed his chin and looked at Jared.  Me" let's go eat ".   We drove down to the restaurant and got a table outside.   Shannon went to the bathroom and I needed to talk to Jared anyways.   Me". where are you guys headed? ".   J" Europe ".   Me" how long?".   He sipped his water and said " a month ".   I felt my heart sink.   Away from him for that long wasn't gonna be easy.    J" why don't you come? "   Me" I'm not type where I need to be around him 24/7 I'm good on my own ".  Lies.  I just didn't want Shannon to feel bad for leaving.  He came back and sat down by me.  S" you ok? ".     Me" I'm good baby don't worry about me ".  He kissed my cheek and we ordered food.  

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