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"I'm..nervous.." Johnny mumbled. "Nervous?" Candice questioned. "I'm meeting your parents for the first time," He grabbed her luggage, handing it to her. "And not to sound cliche but what if they hate me?" Candice chuckled. "They'll love you, trust me." She brushed the hair out of Johnny's eyes.

The couple flew from their home in Cleveland, Ohio to Riverside, California to spend Thanksgiving with Candice's family, Johnny had called dibs to spend Christmas with his family. "Oh and if you didn't know," Candice started, entering the rented car. "My niece has a major crush on you." Johnny laughed. "Oh really now?" He said, playfully. "She has me running circles to keep up, my competition for your heart!"

They parked the car in the parking lot, Johnny's heart racing. "Trust me, I promise they'll love you." Johnny fiddled with his jacket. "But what if they don't?" Candice chuckled. "Who do you think we are? Betty and Jughead?" It was Johnny's turn to laugh. The door opened and he stood up straight before calming down to realize it was Candice's nieces. "Hi, Violet!" Candice smiled, bending down and picking her up in a hugging embrace. Johnny looked down at his feet, dreading to see Candice's parents.

He had watched too many Hallmark movies with her.

"Johnny?" He looked up to see Candice pointing at the door frame, which had the sight of her parents. "H..Hi!" Johnny nervously said, shaking their hands. "Nice to meet you, You're Candice's boyfriend...correct?" The father said. Johnny nodded. "Yep! That's me..Johnny LeRae!" He realized his mistake. "Gargano! Johnny Gargano!" He let out a laugh, trying to slice the awkward tension which made it even more awkward. "Nice to meet you, Johnny." They said, big smiles on their faces.

Candice's heart beated happily at the sight of the love of her life and her parents getting along. She put down Violet, allowing her to hug Johnny's side as he brings Candice close. " parents," She points at them. "Mom and Dad, Johnny." Everyone smiles at each other, Johnny looking down at Candice's nieces.

"Hey there, Violet!" Johnny smiles down at her, ruffling her hair, who smiles back at him. "Come inside, come inside!" Candice's mom offered as they entered the house. "Is that Candice?" someone asked. "Yes!" Candice called out, as excited gasps filled the living room. "Hi guys!" Candice smiled, entering the living room. They grew a puzzled expression at Johnny. "This is if you didn't boyfriend."

Johnny let out a small wave with a tiny "Hi." He was still insanely nervous which Candice could tell, she held his hand lightly, allowing him to let go whenever he pleased. "I'm Johnny." He introduced himself. "Johnny Gargano, I'm a wrestler, like Candice."

Candice smiled as her family instantly grew a liking an interest in Johnny, talking with him and asking multiple questions. "Candice!" Candice quickly spun her head and let out an excited squeal at the sight of her best friend and cousin. "Shirley!" She gasped, hugging her. "I make an excellent matchmaker, don't I?" Candice looked back at Johnny, smiling at the sight of Johnny talking to Violet and holding her niece. "You really do.." She turned her smile back at her best friend. "You think he's the one?" Shirley asked. "Sorry if I'm rushing I just..I've never seen you this in love before!" Candice nodded. "Don't apologize! But I do definitely think he's the one."

Shirley squealed. "That's great, especially since your family is getting along with him very well." Candice looked back once more at her family all talking to Johnny. "But c'mon, help me with making the yams!" Shirley said, grabbing Candice's hand, leading her to the kitchen. "I'm gonna go help make the yams, hope you're enjoying this so far." She whispered in his ear, kissing his cheek.

Johnny blushed, not exactly knowing how Candice's family would react to Candice's Public Display of Affection but thankfully they reacted nice, a little 'Aw..' escaping Candice's mom's mouth.

The LeRae family sat around the table, Candice between Johnny and Shirley. "Johnny, what're you thankful for?" Candice's dad asked. Johnny cleared his throat, he was suddenly really nervous. "I'm thankful for friends, wrestling, family and for me to be dating somebody whose family welcomed me with open arms and an open heart," He cleared his throat once more. "But I'm mostly thankful for you, Candice." He smiled, letting out a soft nervous laugh. "I'm thankful for friends, food, the fact that the love of my life and my family are all here together, but I'm also thankful for Johnny." She squeezed his thigh as they moved onto Violet. "Happy Thanksgiving." She mouthed. "Happy Thanksgiving." Johnny whispered back, smiling hard at her.

(A/N Happy (late) Thanksgiving to those who celebrate it! If you don't celebrate it I hope you had an incredible day!! Sorry for this super short One Shot, I really wanted to write something for Thanksgiving! Hopefully multiple Christmas ones to come soon! with lots of love - Noel <333 )

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